Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [verb] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You can either look at people 's jobs because that 's the bulk of the money goes or you look at the charging policy or you look how the building 's run .
2 And Joe waited , cruelly , and nothing happened at the other end of the line .
3 At least , out here , I have — I admit this with shame — I have delivered an extended breech with the nurse giving chloroform at one end and praying and me delivering at the other end and swearing , and the baby lived , the mother lived , and everything was all right .
4 Mala and I stared at the enlarging disc that appeared on other screens after Posi revolved the ship to bring the lateral ceptors to bear .
5 ‘ Ca n't you give up this living ? ’ she asks , and I stare at the invisible ceiling .
6 Rachel and I wait at the little barrier in the station terminus , and again I think what an ordinary pair of holidaymakers we must look — too tatty to be honeymooners , but the same kind of contentment together .
7 And I started at the General Hospital er in on May the first nineteen twenty nine .
8 And I think at the present time , all of us on the right are more concerned about getting the economy right and cutting government expenditure that carrying on with er schemes of a privatization that might or might not succeed .
9 And you look at the recent king 's mistresses , Edward the eighth , and er , sorry Edward the seventh .
10 You go along , and you look at the other people , and the shops , and the traffic , and you never look up , not really up .
11 alright and if you look at the diagram on page thirteen and you look at the little arrow diagram you 'll see that it gives it quite nice and clearly there is that alright ?
12 Well once again if you look at the er er if you look at the full page which costs nine hundred pound on a on a golf club score card and you look at the full page in the A five booklet
13 If he says you 've got six children and you work at the local factory , you do , yes ?
14 Of a sudden Aggie rose from the table and left the room , and the smile slid slowly from Millie 's face and she looked at the funny young man , as she thought of him , and said , ‘ Is she vexed ? ’
15 Which left her free to make mistakes , overdo the set of his features , and she grinned at the strange yet familiar creature , disdainful nose , filll lips and ridiculous chin .
16 And she tugged at the patterned chenille cloth spread on the table .
17 A second stroke followed without respite , and she squealed at the strange torment it brought to her twin moons .
18 Lucenzo reached out and pushed back the tress of copper hair which had fallen over her forehead , and she trembled at the sensual drift of his fingers over her face .
19 He tightened her to him , parting her lips , and she moaned at the primitive caress of his tongue stroking against hers , exploring her mouth .
20 of Friday and we looked at the individual steps but we know , everybody says yes we ask the business , we came across and to put Gareth , can you take it through and explain what it is , and explain each stage so let's hear from Gareth then .
21 The wherry pulled in and we disembarked at the great garden gate .
22 Staff numbers statement erm and , and we look at the right hand column , you will find that we have a hundred and thirty nine fee earning people , and fifty eight support .
23 there 's usually two racing together in this one , but they 're in separate tracks and one starts at the outside track
24 And he waved at the magnificent room , and her whole luxurious life which she knew beyond a doubt that she was willing to give up forever .
25 The conference theme was ‘ From a socialist to a market-oriented society ’ and it looked at the growing opportunities for women within the new social structures .
26 And it sat at the other side of the gate
27 But she pulled at the pink blanket and did n't say anything .
28 But he shuddered at the military and political repercussions throughout the Middle East of a Western bid to defeat or overthrow Nasser .
29 But he appeared at the Old Bailey for an earlier trespass at Buckingham Palace , during which he had drunk some wine in the office of the Prince of Wales ' private secretary , and was sent to a secure hospital in Liverpool .
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