Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [to-vb] a " in BNC.

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1 And I 'm telling you , do n't speak to me in that fashion or I 'll have to have a word with your father . ’
2 If the draught is sluggish , it may be improved by fitting vents in wooden floors near to the fireplace ; or you might have to install a vent in an outside wall .
3 A young reader would perhaps define an attractive author as one with whom he or she would like to spend a day .
4 This meant that whichever of the leading candidates was eventually declared president , he or she would have to face a legislature dominated by a rival party .
5 He or she will continue to have a duty to maintain the child notwithstanding the care order ( see p192 ) .
6 He or she will hope to secure a job that involves the initiation of policies from the party 's programme .
7 The individual who becomes a tax exile and wishes to make a thorough job of it will not only cease to be UK resident ; he or she will wish to lose a UK domicile of origin .
8 If you are still living in the property on expiry of the Notice to Quit , he or she will need to obtain a Possession Order from your local county court .
9 If she works in a shop or office , she could take samples of her work to show her colleagues or she could offer to make a garment for a friend for just the price of the yarn .
10 As long as you have solicitors who can be admitted to the Personal Injury Panel or who can apply to take a Legal Aid Board franchise , there is no reason why they should not have experienced legal executives working under their control .
11 When there is an interest rate change , we can either follow a move in base rates initiated by the clearing banks or we can choose to anticipate a move that they might make on the rates prevailing in the interbank market . ’
12 Or they may fail to evoke a response at all .
13 It would either fall apart or it would collapse to form a black hole .
14 Where government withdraws or reduces its direct contribution to welfare it may still make an indirect contribution if the social security system subsidizes private provision , or it may have to acquire a new range of regulatory concerns about the quality of private services , or it may face increased problems in the other areas of concern because of the new pressures placed upon individuals and families .
15 She or he would have to spend a year in general practice to have the opportunity to acquire similar skills .
16 ‘ when you were not the holder ’ In most cases the suspected driver will either say he has no licence or he will elect to produce a licence and fail to do so .
17 ‘ I 've never watched a game from the directors ' box in my life and I 'll have to get a walkie-talkie . ’
18 And I 'll have to get a two look , cos she was a thirteen and a half so I bought a one .
19 Catherine and I would love to have a room like that !
20 she said , John and I would love to have a Christmas on our own , I think it
21 Erm I think it 's also now pretty much common ground that the capacity of York city is around three thousand three hundred , but I think in in in taking an view on that , and in taking any view o on future windfalls , it is necessary for the panel to keep in mind that historically in the nineteen eighties windfalls were coming through at a time when it was not a adopted local plan for the city of York , so to some extent anything by definition of a substantial size was likely to be a windfall , erm , but also more to the point than that definitional point , I would expect to see , and I think what Mr Curtis has said earlier on that the local plan is likely to tighten up on criteria for release of sites , both small and large , he referred to the shortage of open space , and I would expect to see a policy change in short , a policy climate change , within the city of York that would constrain past historical rates of windfall release .
22 I do n't think the whole question of cars and safety has never really been looked at properly it all seems to do , to be to do with cars and performance and I would like to see a lot more about cars and safety and like
23 It 's that sort of change that I think is extremely significant , and I think it happens for women very much at that stage , when they have been through those sorts of experiences themselves , so one way in which I think that we can change things is — and help people to change things for themselves — is very much to support and develop those kinds of second change erm access , returning to education , returning to work , type projects as very much part of mainstream education and employment , and I would like to see a much greater range of those sorts of projects available for people and erm a lot more government resources into supporting that kind of provision .
24 Your general committee works extremelly hard on your behalf and I would like to say a very big ‘ thank you ’ to them .
25 A local shop has received a consignment of small Pimelodus pictus and I would like to purchase a pair .
26 I belong to the Working Group for Children ( A.I. ) , and my husband and I would like to send a donation to Bruce Harris for the Asociacon Casa Alianza .
27 One of these days , though , I 'll find an office where there really is a Mr Middleditch and I would have to leave a well-wrapped paperback edition of The Story of 0 .
28 Er I 'm sorry , I wa I was n't gon na come in on this but er I 've heard rubbish from Mr and I 'd like to ask a question .
29 There 's an igneous intrusion there , with fragments of garnet peridotite — that 's a rock from below the earth 's crust — and I 'd like to spend a bit of time there , though the rocks at the north-west end look pretty difficult to get at .
30 And I 'd like to give a challenge to either er Michael Allison or any of the other MPs to come and live in my little bungalow for And exist on that rate for a week .
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