Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [modal v] [verb] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He can swing a punch , which would give me pleasure , or he can call for help , which will give me warning , or , as he is doing , he can cower against the wall .
2 What she meant , she told herself , was that no living creature would choose to be a pet , and nothing would opt for imprisonment , and when she went home she 'd feel trapped and , if she did n't know it was happening , she 'd rather be shot — as long as she did n't see the bullet coming .
3 Then Connie would move into the sanatorium along with a lot of legal talent he had lined up to look after his interests — and Connie 's , too , of course — and I 'd head for home with my five hundred . ’
4 as long as you 've got two hands and you can work for money you 'll never bloody win any .
5 Get it in the penalty area ( coloured blue or red ) and you can shoot for goal — hit bullseye to score !
6 Too much manure or fertiliser , however , can result in soft lush growth which is equally vulnerable , and you should aim for balance between the various essential nutrients .
7 Party loyalty has weakened in favour of PAC support in the the choice of candidate and who can run for office is limited by the need for PAC support , which is mainly given to incumbents .
8 And she would turn for confirmation to Reginald Forrest , who played the comic characters or heavy villains and whose deep voice could often be heard singing , falsetto , some of the women 's songs .
9 Well , er I think that and I get it James and I go to Friday Lazard meetings , I think there is er a erm better feeling and we would look for progress in ninety three .
10 However , the C , C E C feels it needs to consult with regions , it needs more closely to examine the point in question and we would ask for reference of that resolution .
11 Oh give us a shout and we 'll go for lunch then .
12 Give me your five p and I 'll use five of these and we 'll play for penny a time probably win it !
13 ‘ If anyone has secondhand clothes or bric-a-brac , they can call our office on and we will arrange for collection .
14 If it 's a big discharge which is perhaps on a Royal Commission standard and it is consistently turning out say a 30 BOD and a 40 solids then it can be regarded as harmful and one would press for improvement to be carried out . …
15 The reimbursement is standard-rated if the landlord has opted , and he must account for output tax on the reimbursement ( net of any VAT which he can reclaim ) .
16 Inevitably , one of these names is going to get into the public prints and he will sue for libel .
17 ( You can upgrade to the full version for £79 , but I 'd go for WinFax Pro 3 for another £20 . )
18 So conclude briefly there in that the City Council does support the the broad thrust of the County 's two policies here but we would ask for clarification on I five on the actual level of provision we should be providing on our local plan .
19 It can be no bigger than A4 , and it must n't project more than 3 inches , but at the moment they are pouring into Rosie Headers house , and we 've had stuff from Japan and America already , and also from artists in the community , but anybody can enter for Mail Art , so if anybody 's interested in a Mail Art sheet , I can get one for you , but those exhibitions are going up in Freud 's , which is our sort of Festival Centre for the two and a half weeks during the Festival .
20 Yes , I know it 's from last summer and it 's a bit too tailored for this season , but it 'll do for work .
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