Example sentences of "[coord] [pron] [adv] do n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Either I am too heavy or I just do n't do it right .
2 Oh I see , yes , yes , I , huh , yes I would do , I , I , I would say in quite definitely that these words are inspired by such a such artist and , make it quite clear that I 'm a writer and not a , I , I , I do n't study art or I just do n't understand science and painting and , and its my responses to that , yes .
3 But anybody who 's interested in planning or you either do n't agree with us .
4 But for many , the idea of selling those treasured pieces at a major sale has never crossed their mind ; either that , or they just do n't know how to do so .
5 But none of the larger firms has done so yet , so the obvious conclusion to be drawn is that either they prefer to live dangerously or they still do n't believe that anyone would actually go after them for their personal assets .
6 I 'm not ill or anything so do n't worry at the moment .
7 Rob , you must have noticed — Luke and I simply do n't get along together , and there 's a limit to how much friction one can stand . ’
8 This lady has suffered a lot of distress and I just do n't think courts are considering the victims when they are imposing sentences .
9 This lady has suffered a lot of distress and I just do n't think courts are considering the victims when they are imposing sentences .
10 I think it is artificial and horrid … and I just do n't pander to it . ’
11 and I just do n't want to move out of being a student because I find that , that more and more problems are , you know I 'm coming up with because , like Melanie saying there is problems with child care , there is erm positive discrimination against women , and we are always discriminated on the sexual harassment in the college is unbelievable and we have to campaign against this and that 's what 's gon na keep me being a student .
12 She said : ‘ I ca n't believe this ruling has been made and I just do n't know what more I can do .
13 And I just do n't know Mr chairman how they quantify that kind of benefit in traffic flows on the A sixty one which is what they 're trying to claim , against the environmental impact , .
14 when it just comes down to it and I just do n't know where to start
15 And I just do n't know .
16 There 's only one awake and he ca n't do very much , and I just do n't know what to do with them .
17 And I just do n't have the support I had hoped for — from you , perhaps , yes .
18 Now that means that bands are being arm-wrestled into sounding like Nirvana ; and the only record companies can imagine doing that is by hiring Nirvana 's producer , so every band on a major label has been remixed by Nirvana 's producer this year … and I just do n't have any interest in being part of the continuum . ’
19 He said and I just do n't take no notice of him .
20 And I just do n't see the point of pressing on through that muck . ’
21 To talk about them would be a risk , and I just do n't like taking risks . ’
22 She splits me off from you lot , I 'm really fucked off actually cos like when I just go to dinner I just go with bloody Marina and then I sit there and I just do n't say a word and no one ever talks to me .
23 I do n't believe that the method of selling cars with huge discounts that has been going on in the US for some time is good for the companies , and I also do n't think long term it 's good for the industrial base of the country and therefore ultimately for the customer .
24 And I also do n't think that there 's any need for this extra recommendation in most commonwave that a question , and that is to actually find out the expenses claim by individuals .
25 And I again do n't understand these figures because I take from table two and I see the A sixty one er reading going from twenty four thousand to nineteen thousand on the opening of the bypass .
26 ‘ I have n't a clue why you behave in the way you appear to behave and I honestly do n't give a damn … ’
27 And it was n't until about five minutes later that one of the twins — and I honestly do n't know which , because they keep swapping their headbands … ’ she explained .
28 But I 've never been one of those guys who set out to be a technical guitarist and I still do n't refer to myself as a technical player .
29 And I still do n't feel I know him , Dunya !
30 And I still do n't see why you 're so certain you 'll be accused of this dreadful thing , ’ she protested .
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