Example sentences of "[coord] [art] [noun sg] [noun] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 The glow through , er yes the paper was erm , was the same colour all the way through and er , and erm they had quite an impact , but of course they , would only last a year or two er and er they started a small factory in London and , erm call it Hula-Hoops I think er , I do n't know whether Hula-Hoops came from the lighting shades or the lighting shades from the Hula-Hoops , but it was the same process that made them both and er this was erm thin plastic tubing brightly coloured , er which was er cemented together into er
2 Sometimes she was served up garnished with prizes , a certificate of excellence in swimming or a merit card from a teacher , but more often than not she was slapped down in front of him like a British Rail sandwich , garnished with a series of medical complaints .
3 The doors between end vestibules and saloons are now controlled by push buttons instead of floor sensors , but how do you press the button if both hands are carrying luggage or a tray meal from the buffet ?
4 Ulph ( 1987 ) points out that those who earn close to the tax threshold will enjoy little or no income effect from the tax cut so that the substitution effect should dominate , causing them to work more hours .
5 I mean I have to cope with about five thousand different individuals each week erm at Portslade Community College , erm fifteen hundred full-time eleven to eighteen year olds , and the rest adults from the community coming in to use the college .
6 Break out from the lagoon into an overfall from the rack on the left and the back wave from the rock wall on right between the rocks .
7 The bars are on the ground floor and can be reached by separate entrances : the vault bar from the street and the lounge bar from the front of the hotel .
8 The greater abundance of mare basalts on the maria , their smaller ages than most highland rocks , the possibility of deriving the highland type rocks and the mare basalts from a common source material in the mantle , and many other compositional relationships , are glossed over in an unsatisfactory manner .
9 In the motor/drive parameters are : and the pull-out torque from the d.c. and fundamental current components is therefore .
10 With Adrar now five miles away , flotsam and jetsam were increasing , so I began to make a mental inventory of all I passed — six sardine cans , two bottles , the greater part of a tyre , too many small pieces of rubber to count , a five-litre can and the cylinder head from a car engine .
11 And the case springs from a fake painting which Mrs Marcos claimed was a Michelangelo and for which she apparently paid Bellini $3.5 million in 1983 .
12 Of the 21 people who had been invited to join it , six were RSFSR ministers , three were Russians in industry and the remainder ministers from the other republics ( although not the Prime Ministers , who had been ex officio members of the dissolved Cabinet of Ministers ) .
13 Here , Gavrilov captures the twists and turns and flighty nature of this music perfectly , and the accelerando link from the central andantino section into the final pages is impeccably judged .
14 From Pamplona the army and the Carlist Requeté advanced northwards and by September , with the help of Italian bombers , had seized Irún and San Sebastián , thereby cutting off the rest of the Basque country and the north coast from the French border .
15 The main carriage operates from the right-hand edge and the lace carriage from the left-hand edge .
16 together with a representative of British Rail , and he was saying that , I , forget how many car transporters they 've got that erm , they built , bought specially to go on British Rail , he said , but they said he just had to give them up for many reasons and one of them was the problems that they have with new cars when they take them on British Rail and the brake dust from the trains apparently causes immediate rust .
17 What two features may be causing managers to bring new industries to this area , besides the ports for transport of raw materials and finished goods , the fuel supplies and the labour supply from the large towns and the mining valleys ?
18 The dentist recording the dental condition of both the women from Anglesey and the control group from the non-fluoridated Gwynedd mainland was blind to women 's residential status ; those living in the fluoridated area had 30% fewer caries .
19 Drilling the holes in the cork bark will succeed in achieving this , and the spray bar from the Fluval 3 should be placed just above the surface of the water , creating sufficient aeration without causing excessive currents .
20 He 's only groggy , not out , but you 're able to secure him to the bed with the other set of handcuffs and the leather straps from the same drawer the hood came from .
21 Installation is simple , as the units merely need setting securely in position and the delivery hose from the pump inserted into the uppermost one before being fully operational .
22 In the sky , for example , 302 , light blue , and 821 , pale grey , were combined and the blender pen from the KC-1100 range was taken over them to fuse , lighten and graduate the effect .
23 The first process depends on the carbon dioxide concentration and the path length from the external air to the chloroplasts , the second depends only on the amount of radiation absorbed , and not on the CO 2 concentration or the temperature .
24 The coefficients are generally similar to those in ( 2.2 ) , although the standard error has fallen slightly and the impact effect from a given change in wealth is some 12% smaller .
25 Mary and the infant Jesus from the north chancel window of St Mary 's Church , Bibury , Gloucestershire are depicted on the 24p stamp .
26 The development of the Soviet system and the Comintern parties from the 1920s through to the 1950s made ‘ self-indulgent individualism ’ ( i.e. attempts by Marxist writers to think for themselves ) a dangerous deviation .
27 The morbidity rates were originally drawn from the General Household Survey and the mortality rates from the Registrar-General .
28 This allowed the oligonucleotide and the proteins binding to the DNA to be rapidly enriched using a magnet to separate the beads and the DNA/protein complex from the rest of the nuclear extract .
29 Joe picked up the picnic basket and the thermos flask from the table , and together he and Martin went out and across the dark courtyard towards the garage .
30 Fooled by the fake spring amazing everyone into bright cotton , courtesy of a destroyed ozone layer and a rogue wind from the Sahara .
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