Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [subord] [pron] [vb base] the " in BNC.

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1 Leave it on the paper or card while you knit the rest of your garment .
2 There are directors who experience pain or panic when they see the writer in unmediated discussion with an actor .
3 ‘ Does anyone have any immediate thoughts or ideas before we analyse the film and the procedures in detail ? ’
4 The Vasiliki ware included some peculiar long-spouted ‘ teapots ’ and jugs : the spouts have distinctive upturned sides and a curious joint or articulation before they join the main body of the vessel .
5 Each time you cut , use the interruption to give some stage directions without them being recorded onto the tape , but try to minimise the effect of jumps in the action by changing either the shot angle or size before you restart the recording .
6 You can get it by post at three pounds fifty by post , send a cheque or postal order made payable to the B B C for three pounds fifty , we 'll sent it b , I 'll send it by post to you and send it to Afternoon Special , , Derby , Leicester , Lincoln or Nottingham if you want the Good Old Days Quiz Book by post .
7 They cry if they are unhappy , they ask for attention or affection if they feel the need , they touch you and want to be touched .
8 Wrong again , because along comes Greg Hutchings of Tomkins with an offer which is worth 260p cash , or 270p if you include the dividend .
9 If you feel that you want a cup of tea , or coffee because you enjoy the taste for its own sake , then go ahead and have one .
10 There are no health questions to be answered or medical examinations required but if you are disabled by illness or injury when you enter the agreement , cover will not begin until you return to full-time work .
11 You will discover large errors flying near north or south with even small amounts of bank , and large errors on east and west if you vary the speed .
12 One allocation that would be both efficient and equitable in this sense would be an initial endowment at 1 where both A and B have the same X and Y. Since they face the same budget constraint , each can have what the other has so that any trades away from equal allocation to the contract curve must meet the reverse allocation test illustrated as part ( b ) of the figure .
13 The weary sighs from friends and associates as they replace the telephone receiver after yet another call from the maestro have become somewhat more pronounced .
14 Commodores , Ladies and Gentlemen before we commence the business of the Annual General Meeting I 'd like to remind members of the very great honour that was bestowed upon the Association at the end of last year when we were granted the right to wear the red ensign defi defaced with the crown .
15 Join Zitz , Rash and Pimple as they tackle the evil Dark Queen .
16 Representation under the legal aid scheme is not available for an arbitration hearing although the plaintiff and defendant may obtain legal advice and assistance if they meet the eligibility conditions .
17 Put little dots and lines where you want the ‘ jewels ’ to go .
18 Cos I do n't mind cheese and Marmite if you have the beef .
19 ‘ I want you to be a good little girl and go home to Mummy and Daddy while I finish the season .
20 The teachers are forced to cancel the 800 metres when the other competitors all withdraw rather than be humiliated by being beaten by me and my Mum is moved to tears of joy and pride as I win the 4 × 100 metres relay race on my own .
21 Improvements and fixtures If you leave the premises you may be entitled to compensation for improvements made by you .
22 While scuba diving during a romantic holiday in Bermuda , a young couple uncover both treasure and terror when they discover the wreck of a sunken ship , a World War Two freighter .
23 Judiciously deployed and when necessary publicly stated , its views on environmental topics are listened to and have been effective in connection with recent Government proposals and legislation as they affect the Trust .
24 Some of you are also sending me labels and leaflets because you find the information on them confusing .
25 While the mood of the letters sequence was naturalistic , this time we can indulge in a little magic and mystery as we show the decking of the tree with all kinds of colourful lights and baubles .
26 For instance , blue conveys a sense of calm and tranquility because we associate the colour with blue skies , calm water .
27 They can help to identify which companies you ought to be looking at , they may have a database of relevant information , and if you are looking at information-gathering from a number of companies they can save you time and effort if they do the legwork .
28 They begin to avoid difficult situations and tasks because they lack the self-confidence to deal with them effectively .
29 The unconscious as ‘ process ’ , the ‘ imaginary ’ , and the zone of the pre-symbolic are privileged in the feminized logical structures of Cixous ( 1975 ) , Kristeva ( 1974 ) , and others because they mark the areas in which male domination and discursive control are incomplete or ineffective .
30 There are scènes d'action in Romeo and Juliet : for example , when Lord and Lady Capulet bring Paris to confront Juliet in her bedroom which merges into apas d'action as she repulses his advances when he tries to woo her ; there is the variation describing the activities of Romeo , Mercutio and Benvolio before they enter the ballroom .
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