Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [vb past] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Adjusters reports should be carefully checked and any omissions or queries referred back to the Adjuster .
2 Therefore , counter-indemnities relating to death or personal injury suffered by the indemnifier were void under s 2(1) , without the need to consider s 4 , and all counter-indemnities relating to other loss or damage suffered directly by the indemnifier were subject to the reasonableness test under s 2(2) , and/or s 4 if the indemnifier was a consumer .
3 Certain things are excluded from registration such as a method or principle of construction or features of shape or configuration dictated solely by the function the article has to perform , or which depend upon the appearance of another article of which it is intended to form an integral part .
4 The only other items you need to record are debits or credits made directly by the bank to your account .
5 An awkward party could block the procedure by declaring unacceptable every expert or appointing individual or authority put forward by the other party .
6 In the council meeting , Kleinwort Benson and UBS Phillips & Drew objected strongly to the two proposals .
7 But to see his face light up with pleasure as his eye lighted on a child 's painting or model spoke more to the teacher ( and the child ) about the sincerity of his concerns than a hundred words would .
8 The French investors are starved of the kind of new issues common to the British market -big , well-publicised privatisations or pseudo-privatisations aimed more at the general punter than the institutional investor .
9 Although , long before Johnson , Daniel Defoe found Elgin ‘ a very agreeable place to live in ’ — those gentry not wishing to venture as far as Edinburgh or London came in from the Highlands for the winter — Elgin 's time came later : a half-century after our heroes ' visit , it became a little classical Victorian market town whose streets and suburbs echoed Edinburgh 's New Town in elegance and spaciousness .
10 Normally , individual officers or employees singled out by the criticism will additionally have an action : in Lewis v Daily Telegraph , for example , both the company and its managing director were plaintiffs .
11 Finn looked up angrily and Melanie ran upstairs before the sharp words and blows began .
12 Weir and Wainwright did well at the line-out and the loose forwards were just as quick and creative as their much more illustrious opponents .
13 On the 20th of March Katherine and Beatrice dined together at the Closerie des Lilas .
14 In the back of the car , Henrietta and Samantha made exaggerated vomiting sounds at the very thought of it , and Jacqueline joined enthusiastically in the pantomime .
15 Lightning forked overhead , illuminating the camp like day , and thunder crashed deafeningly through the deep darkness that followed .
16 ‘ Inscrutable bastard , ’ Bodie said , as he and Doyle walked back to the car .
17 He broke off abruptly , and Doyle glanced round as the sleepy shape of Stone 's young son , Nick , entered the room .
18 A pheasant squawked and birds burst out of the trees .
19 The sun blazed down on the ancient circle of stones , bees buzzed diligently as they searched for late pollen , and birds sang cheerfully in the nearby trees .
20 With few exceptions the cottages and houses opened directly onto the street with no front gardens .
21 Grace jumped into the boat , and William pulled hard with the oars .
22 Wills make it clear that fathers and sons worked together in the same little workshop , and perhaps the women and girls helped occasionally .
23 IBM Corp , Hewlett-Packard Co and DEC got together at the Open Software Foundation 's Challenge'93 shindig in Boston last week to demonstrate their implementations of the Distributed Computing Environment .
24 ‘ Absolutely , ’ said Jean , whose lips and fingers tingled slightly at the opportunity to say as much .
25 The massive shoulders and chest tapered down to the lean cowboy hips and long legs .
26 Shot and shell rained in on the village , orchard and chateau grounds , tearing up the earth , smashing roofs and rafters , but causing little in the way of casualties .
27 The baby was now cleaned up and Sarah looked down into the bluest eyes she had ever seen .
28 Some nights , me and Sarah went down to the ocean with a few flasks
29 The slide of bodies bathed in perspiration ceased as Luke shuddered and stilled momentarily before moving to kneel over her , surveying her with glittering eyes , his shadow cast over her , and Maria fell back against the pillows with a hoarse sob , wordlessly pleading with him to end the torment , aching for him , needing to feel him inside her , hating him for prolonging her agony like this and resenting the control that enabled him to do it .
30 Inside , the oak panelling and crystal chandelier of the hall and stairway co-existed happily with the gleaming appliances in the kitchen and the uncomfortable plastic chairs of the lecture room .
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