Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [adv] [verb] that they " in BNC.

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1 Officials at Japan 's Ministry of International Trade & Industry now say that they 're tired of quibbling over market share figures with the US , and say they do n't intend to allow the US to establish a new market share goal in upcoming semiconductor talks , which will begin in Hawaii next Tuesday , the Wall Street Journal reports — ‘ Because there was a controversy over the old 20% figure , which was taken as some form of commitment , we have no intention of referring to any new numbers ’ Koji Matsui , deputy director of the industrial electronics division of the Ministry declared .
2 If you are going to use computer generated artwork in your publications , be they business graphs , drawings or logos then ensure that they are created with a drawing package not a painting one .
3 Er , what they do , every year they switch identities e , Jessica pretends to be Elizabeth , and Elizabeth pretends to be Jessica but , this year they do n't do that cos tha all their friends like know and , this year cos their teachers and things still think that they 're erm so , they swapped identities they like , give detention and things to the wrong people and stuff like that .
4 His extravagant action , his grace , his poise and his enthusiasm combine to produce a perfect jumping machine , and people soon realise that they are watching something exceptional .
5 In Scotland , Members of Parliament from both sides of the House and local government employees and councillors stupidly said that they would continue with the revaluation , and so we had five-year revaluations until 1985 .
6 No final decision was taken on which countries would contribute to the Arab force , but Egypt , Syria and Morocco subsequently announced that they would provide troops .
7 Rumour and gossip will spread and the employer may well find key staff and others so unsettled that they look for and find other jobs .
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