Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [prep] [noun] because [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Incidence of mortality or admission to hospital because of coronary heart disease ; total mortality .
2 There are times when we want to target specific individual or groups of parents because of minor problems which the school is encountering such as persistent lateness , regular late arrival of dinner money , unreturned reading books or even irregular attendance .
3 Examples include a driver being stung by bees , having an epileptic fit or loss of control because of a latent defect provided the driver did not and could not reasonably be expected to know of the defect .
4 There are claims that more and more people are turning to begging or prostitution in Nottingham because of homelessness .
5 Rob Thompson , of Hounslow , is unable to travel with the England team leaving for Oman and Pakistan on Monday because of his law examinations , writes Pat Rowley .
6 Rob Thompson , of Hounslow , is unable to travel with the England team leaving for Oman and Pakistan on Monday because of his law examinations , writes Pat Rowley .
7 Synthesis of proteins by the human liver , both structural and secretory , is of interest and relevance in patients because of the hepatic involvement in the acute phase response .
8 We read qualities like sincerity , anger , sexuality and warmth into performers because of the way they organize the signs of their personality .
9 Editor Mike Carlin revealed : ‘ There will be a lot of death and destruction around Metropolis because of the fight with Doomsday .
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