Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [prep] [noun] [v-ing] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ( Thus Auer complains of Gumperz that " sometimes he makes strong claims about the effect of a given type or instance of code switching on the subsequent development of the sequence , which are based on informants ' reports , but fails to reproduce this subsequent passage " ( Auer 1984b : 106 , fn. 10 ) . )
2 People like Sherman ( 1985 ) now argue that there are three separate streams or channels of information passing up from the retina and through the visual cortex .
3 One solution could have been to put the smaller plants and animals in boxes or circles around a central illustration of a lake or pond with arrows indicating where they could be found .
4 Or , slightly less galling , Fyfe 's new company Hickson & Welch of Castleford taking over the company completely .
5 indications of a particular industry or type of participant benefiting more from one or other form of training ;
6 The story is similar in other areas , with an older organization or group of charities coming together as a local Family Welfare Association .
7 Or sense of circles moving away from us .
8 Almost everyone has a story to tell about dream incorporation — for instance dreaming about Arctic exploration only to wake up and find that the covers have slipped off and he is freezing cold , or dreaming of bells ringing only to wake up eventually to find that the alarm clock has been clattering for the last few minutes .
9 The indemnity under Paragraph D for damages in respect of any one claim or number of claims arising out of any one cause shall not exceed £500,000 .
10 In connection with any one claim or number of claims arising out of one cause for indemnity against liability in respect of damage to property the Corporation may at any time pay to the Policyholder the amount of the indemnity provided by this Policy ( after deduction of any sum or sums already paid as compensation ) or any less amount for which such claim or claims can be settled and upon such payment being made the Corporation shall relinquish the conduct and control of and be under no further liability in connection with such claim or claims except for the payment of costs and expenses of litigation recoverable or incurred in respect of matters prior to the date of such payment .
11 Publishers should send reading copies or proofs of books appearing in or after March to David Russell at The Bookseller , ( ) , to arrive no later than Friday 22nd January .
12 She stared at the shifting colours and shapes , remote and isolated , hearing the voices and noise of music playing inside .
13 For some , the first grey hairs , facial lines and signs of gravity taking over may herald the end of a meaningful life .
14 I have many memories of Eton : services in College Chapel , especially in winter when the lights were lit and I listened to the massed singing of a favourite hymn ; the Headmaster , Dr Alington , an Olympian figure in scarlet gown , taking " absence " on the chapel steps ; the Fourth of June , a festival peculiar to Eton , and fireworks bursting over the river ; the Field Game on winter afternoons while mist crept across the grounds ; the lamps in the High Street and crowds of boys hurrying back to their houses before " lock-up " .
15 That house , it was a typical horsy place , rammy kitchen and loads of dogs jumping up at you .
16 A tenth of their 338-page book , a best-seller in the US and Germany with Japan showing even greater interest , is devoted to The 1990s : Decade of Women in Leadership Their views are graphic : ‘ To be a leader in business today , it is no longer an advantage to have been socialised as a male .
17 The shuffling and rustling of bodies settling again into the pews .
18 Is there evidence of the scheme becoming more of a predictive tool and aid to decision making rather than working primarily in an administrative function ?
19 The other chroniclers are less explicit , but give a similar impression , complaints about servitude and oppression and demands for liberty bulking largely in their accounts .
20 And thanks to Tom chasing up membership that actually brought us in a hundred and ninety nine pounds seventy er throughout the year .
21 Blauner also devotes considerable attention to features of technology which imply that workers are likely to feel a greater sense of belonging and identification with factories using highly automated processes .
22 Most sociologists would wish to maintain that , while their social science does not meet the rigorous criteria of a natural science , in terms of the procedures used for verification of theoretical hypotheses there is some disciplined thinking and testing of ideas going on in sociology which does distinguish it from religious or mystical thinking .
23 The ingredients are all there : an in-house bank ; a string of obscure firms ( including the appropriately named Croesus International ) based in loosely-regulated offshore financial centres ; and blocks of money winging electronically around the world .
24 ‘ This is intrusive , see , there 's the fault going up there and squirts of lava coming down . ’
25 It also establishesa system for the review and clearance of products containing genetically modified organisms so that conditions can be established for their marketing . ’
26 But among recollections of getting stuck on chamber pots and jokes about wives running off with police patrol men was an insight from Sir Roger Elliott of the BA director 's office arrangement — wonderful were it true : Tim Godfray has two in-trays in his office , one labelled ‘ In ’ and the other ‘ Deep In ’ .
27 The need is for collaboration between users and suppliers of technology working together in the derivation of a specification which can then be handed over to IT suppliers as a requirement .
28 I was sitting on the sofa , quietly crying ; I think I was wishing that Auschwitz looked better than it did , just now , with its windless heat and plagues of flies homing in on the marshes .
29 When , in June 1967 , the Beatles ' ‘ Sergeant Pepper ’ was released , UFO , with its light shows , and globules of colour spewing down the old Irish walls , seemed the natural place to go and listen to it .
30 Anderson argues strongly that such patterns can be explained only by looking at the material advantages and disadvantages of people living together .
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