Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He continued to visit his mother until her death , but I do n't think he and Gaston ever spoke to each other again . ’
2 13 1 ) that a man from Sybaris and another from Siris , both Italian towns , were among Agariste 's suitors at Sikyon ; and some of the poets patronized by the western Greeks had experience of mainland monarchy — Pindar and Simonides both wrote for Sicilian patrons : Pindar composed the Tenth Pythian , his earliest poem , for the Thessalian Thorax of Larisa , and Simonides had been patronized by Polykrates of Samos and Pisistratus of Athens in turn .
3 The hon. Member for Roxburgh and Berwickshire also referred to cold weather payments .
4 In the 1970s Portugal and Spain both emerged from long periods of dictatorship and established parliamentary-electoral systems with remarkable smoothness .
5 Nithard 's statement that they waited , as agreed , until 8 a.m. before joining battle , has been rejected by some modern historians , who think that Charles and Louis instead swooped before 8 on Lothar 's sleeping camp .
6 Hannah is obviously a natural musician , although the aforementioned modesty forbids her to agree with that assessment But as a child she quickly learned to play both piano and organ with none of the pain and stress often endured by most youngsters , even those with natural skills .
7 Although these years witnessed a very low tide of economic activity including the horrors of widespread famine and even peasant revolts in some areas like Tambov , problems concerning religious belief and taxation never led to large-scale uprisings in the Smolensk guberniia ( nor indeed anywhere else in Russia ) .
8 The settlements of 1911 had , explicitly or implicitly , opened up channels between local officials of the union and local shipowner associations so that a number of recognised , if not always strictly negotiated and agreed , rates and conditions now existed in different ports which , for the purposes of comparison , the NSFU had now committed to paper .
9 Deerness Valley colliers with distinctive Weardale and Teesdale surnames such as Nattress , Vipond and Hewitson probably came from lead-mining stock .
10 It rained upon them at Elgin and Johnson again ran into culinary difficulty with a lunch he could not eat at the Red Lion inn .
11 These changes proved to be only temporary , however , and life soon returned to normal .
12 TUC support for a national limitation steadily eroded , not least because a so-called ‘ Top People ’ pay-review inquiry under Sir Edward Boyle recommended large rises for already well-paid professions such as High Court judges and top civil servants , while the police , the armed services , the dentists , and doctors also benefited from substantial salary rises .
13 Business borrowing in Japan and France also peaked in 1973 ( table 11.11 ) .
14 These influxes were all associated with severe weather and numbers otherwise ranged between one and 24 annually , averaging about nine .
15 The civil disorders and dynastic feuds between Lancaster and York presumably led to some destruction of wealth , although it is virtually impossible to judge how much .
16 Socialist parties have often rejected such a close connection with the Western alliance , but claimed a commitment to pacifism , neutrality and equality also found among left-wing parties in the West .
17 Pure herds were also found in the Isle of Wight and Guernseys also spread to several English and Scottish counties to decorate parkland or supply house milk and butter .
18 Higher education and science also benefited from real increases , disproving repeated claims of ‘ cuts ’ by academics and others .
19 Apart from in 1952 employment grew continuously and unemployment rarely rose above 300,000 .
20 And it was a fact that William and Preston together led to more trouble than Preston alone , or Preston and any combination of other boys .
21 Writers , artists and Bohemians now lived in some of the tiny terraced cottages facing the quay .
22 Well , she was a doctor , and she knew enough about human physiology to know that healthy men and women sometimes reacted to each other in the most devastating ways .
23 In this context Japan 's overwhelming dependence on imported oil set off the most severe economic recession since World War II and GNP actually fell by 1 per cent in 1974 after growing at an average rate of nearly 10 per cent in the previous six years .
24 Artemis and Rosie both stood in silent uncertainty for a moment before Rosie began to pick up the marbles and put them back in their small cloth sack .
25 When Poole arrived , he and John sometimes spoke to each other in Afrikaans .
26 Lizzie and Henry again looked at each other as they followed her into the room , and sat on the couch .
27 Weston emphasized to Eliot that not only dramas , but poetry also derived from primitive rites .
28 But Scotland also suffered from internal religious differences , and from the effects of the Navigation Acts after 1660 that cut her off from a good deal of overseas trade .
29 But Russia also suffered from severe disadvantages .
30 But things just went from bad to worse .
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