Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the UK the investigators , or Inspectors of Accidents as they are formally called in the Regulations , belong to two distinct categories : pilots and engineers .
2 Investigators , or Inspectors of Accidents as they are called in the UK , must have the authority to enter private property in order to examine the wreckage , whether it be a farmer 's field of barley , someone 's backyard or even — as has happened — the roof of somebody 's house .
3 He would not approve materials or equipment for schools unless they were simple , functional , economical and of good quality in material and workmanship .
4 If you have no social life or circle of friends when you start your single lifestyle then it requires more effort on your part .
5 Within the context of each module or group of modules where they are linked in an integrated programme , students have a part to play in determining what , how , when , where and at what pace they learn .
6 ( Obtain and use Calendula cerate or ointment in episiotomies where it is very soothing . )
7 While Green politics are based on the belief that the resources of the planet are finite and have to be carefully tended , global capitalist politics are based on the belief that the resources of the planet are virtually infinite , due to the scientific and technological ingenuity released by the capitalist system that will ensure unlimited replacement or substitution of resources as they are used up .
8 The people who live in the same house or block of flats as you do .
9 If it could be shown , for instance , that we know sufficient about the deliberation of legislators , political and judicial , to be assured , for instance , that they were better informed than we are then this might be a reason for giving weight to the content of the law in deciding what is morally right or wrong in areas where we felt that we lacked sufficient knowledge .
10 Transparency and communication must be emphasised to re-establish the perceived independence and honesty of scientists as we move into newer and more complicated areas of technology .
11 They 're just doing a kind of tour of loads and loads of houses cos they keep moving with his job .
12 Nursing homes are still registered by the health authorities , so their ability to meet , and setting of standards that they 're required to meet , are still set by the health authority , registered by the health authority , and monitored by the health authority .
13 Stella Clayton , Office Administrator at Hygiene Leeds has been informing staff and clients for months that she was going swimming with Freddy .
14 The night air amplified the snort and splash of animals and I was very grateful for the orange glow of the fire through the canvas walls of the tent .
15 Many salespeople who , to an outsider , seem naturally quick-witted have developed this skill through careful preparation beforehand , imagining themselves as buyers and thinking of objections that they might raise if they were in such a position .
16 Poverty and dependence are the result of particular systems of social relationships , which means that we can never understand the actions , choices and motives of actors unless we relate them to the position of the actor in the social structure .
17 ‘ We had a fairly useful discussion and exchange of views and I think Mr. Pexton was interested to hear opinions from grassroots farmers , ’ he said .
18 The combination of greater mobility of critical factors of production , notably technology and finance , creates tensions and uncertainties for firms as they develop their global strategies .
19 This did more than any other eighteenth-century innovation to increase the speed and range of ships and it was so successful that shipowners were most reluctant to use iron hulls which could not be coppered directly on account of electro-chemical action between the iron and the copper in salt water .
20 we used to have nets and nets of oranges and we used to get up in the morning and just squeeze them
21 These Savage Orcs were happy to continue in their old ways , using metal weapons and armour on occasions when they could steal or trade it , but on the whole sticking to their ancient traditions .
22 Goose-grass chasings and a barefoot splashing through a ford , shoes and socks in hand ; the skimming and twittering of swallows as they hawked for gnats ; grey wag tails flitting from stone to stone in the sparkling waters of the Tywi ; a common sandpiper fluting from the far bank .
23 The premature release of these plans was a source of embarrassment and irritation to ministers as it might stir up greater opposition to what they wanted to do .
24 Right I want forty red band Marlborough and quarter of peppermints if you 've got them today .
25 No wonder enclosed nuns had to pray night and day for priests when they were so worldly .
26 Which will go towards making a corpus of information from which will draw the meaning and usage of words as it was in the nineteen nineties .
27 — undercounting bombs and missiles on grounds that they took 10 to 20 times longer to reach their destination than ballistic missiles ;
28 Although southern Italians ate meat when they could afford it , gratefully , and quantities of beans when they could not afford it , it still gives me pleasure , at least , that the philosopher who established the doctrine of migrant souls taught in my mother 's homeland , where corks and bottletops might renew their lives as children 's toys , magazine pictures provide wallpaper , and tins turn into percussion instruments .
29 Though these measures are not due to necessity , as the people here are glad to be of service to us and treat us with courtesy in which not a little deference is admixed , for as I say they count many simple things great wonders : my fine paste shoe buckles ( the only part remaining after some native rats that are very large and like to be tame devoured the rest of the appurtenances ) inspired much clicking of teeth and clucking of tongues till I thought I should have to part with them .
30 Thus when she saw the priests kneel in darkness lit only by burning torches , to place the crucifix and Host in the Easter sepulchre to symbolise the darkness of the physical death and burial of Christ prior to the joy of resurrection , this ritual precipitated her inner sense of the significance of the Passion and a corresponding outpouring of love and compassion in tears as she spread her arms like her crucified Lord .
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