Example sentences of "[coord] [noun] [verb] [adv] from the " in BNC.

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1 Then I heard the footsteps … coming up fast= an echoing , slapping sound making me think of a great bird or bat flapping up from the bottom of a wall …
2 If a step or landing projects out from the earth bank , you 'll need to backfill with excavated material , and provide support with a wall
3 Policemen marshall grumbling queues whenever a load of bread or chickens jolts in from the country .
4 Although , long before Johnson , Daniel Defoe found Elgin ‘ a very agreeable place to live in ’ — those gentry not wishing to venture as far as Edinburgh or London came in from the Highlands for the winter — Elgin 's time came later : a half-century after our heroes ' visit , it became a little classical Victorian market town whose streets and suburbs echoed Edinburgh 's New Town in elegance and spaciousness .
5 Any correspondence or filing left over from the morning shift should be dealt with .
6 He was dialling when Miles and Frances came in from the kitchen .
7 Business was brisk , shopkeepers even running out to grab Corbett by the arm and offer a pie , a piece of cloth , fresh fish from the Firth , almonds , nuts and raisins brought in from the nearby port of Leith .
8 Its tough pale grass grows on mud and clinker dredged up from the docks .
9 Many gardeners believe that an informal pool should be planted liberally , with waterlilies obscuring areas of the water surface , and reeds and rushes tumbling in from the garden .
10 Since the 1920's Berlin has been a city encountered through images : Doblin , Pabst and Isherwood ; the diabolic glamour of Nazism ; Year Zero ; the Airlift ; John Kennedy and spies coming in from the cold ; the generation of " 68 , the stylized desperation of the punk underground , and angels made corporeal .
11 Scared pelicans flapped away , and Ellen came up from the galley to see what had caused the commotion .
12 Three sets of lights later , they came into the town centre , a wide boulevard that sloped up a hill with the shops and offices set back from the pavement .
13 Ashton 's Cock and Hens come straight from the farmyard and not the Imperial Ballet .
14 The Hungarians and Belgians broke away from the Italians and the two British crews dropped back and were being closely tailed by Folkesson/Skoldbek at Chertsey although the Swedish crew were only to get as far as Shepperton before blowing up .
15 Bolton-born Bannister , who dwarfs influential team-mate Alton Byrd by 19 inches , is so huge he gets all his clothes and shoes shipped in from the States by mail order .
16 Ms Greenberg must surely champion Quebec 's newly opened Musée de la Civilisation which greets boatloads of St Lawrence cruise ship passengers with a garish jumble of consumer items and gimmicks borrowed directly from the shopping mall .
17 In the summer , athletics , cricket and tennis take over from the winter sports .
18 And Moses came down from the mount bearing the two tablets of stone .
19 Attacked , promises General Powell , it will be — once its supply lines along the Euphrates valley have been severed and its men and equipment softened up from the air .
20 Add to this a language problem , surround the ship with smaller fishing vessels and throw liberal quantities of slimy mackerel underfoot , anchor it in a remote Scottish loch with vicious squalls of wind and rain roaring down from the surrounding hills , try working for days on end with very little sleep in these conditions and you have some idea of our difficulties .
21 But if you had an imminent on your side you could have had the ache of the wind and rain crying down from the clouds . ’
22 The doorbell pealed and Julia shot upstairs from the basement , flung herself through the green baize door and then walked slowly and decorously across the black and white tiled hall .
23 He had opened a bottle of wine , and Alyssia sipped cautiously from the glass , not wanting to lose control again because she was tipsy .
24 A smell of bacon and eggs wafted up from the kitchen .
25 Tom , Carrie and Seb returned late from the Witney Feast .
26 This radical redistribution of the terms form and content follows logically from the principle of defamiliarization and perceptible form .
27 has drawn up for sign language is this sort of flow chart er , with dates and things working backwards from the event , saying you know we need this by two weeks beforehand we need it back
28 For a start , there was the fountain , about the height of a squat sundial , and crowned by a lily ; you turned on a tap , pumped energetically on a foot pedal for a minute or two , and water gushed pleasingly from the lily 's gaping mouth .
29 The scene was frantic : a sea of members but precious few stage-divers ( these guys like to keep their distance ) , simply ridiculous volume levels that make sure you only concentrated on the music , lovely melodies , and people getting away from the pressures of daily life in a northern town .
30 Related manufacturing industries such as food processing , chemicals and engineering suffered keenly from the ports ' decline and the surrounding areas endured massive job losses and an exodus of their people .
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