Example sentences of "[vb past] [pn reflx] [adv] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 After the Portuguese mission left Abyssinia , Lebna Dengel found himself increasingly faced by the threat from the Muslim states of Ifat and of Adal , which included Harar , with which ever since the fourteenth century the Emperors of Abyssinia had been intermittently at war ; these states were forever encroaching on the eastern borders of the empire in a war of raid and counter-raid .
2 With a French father , a Norwegian mother , and a mainly English education , he found himself perpetually treated as an object of faintly mocking derision : a Frog at school , an Anglo-Saxon Milor on holiday in France , and some sort of raping and pillaging Viking everywhere .
3 He was there on a Kodak sponsorship to cover a gruelling four-day Super Marathon through the Hoggar Mountains in Algeria , but he found himself constantly distracted by the staggering terrain that surrounded him .
4 Led the last stretches of the way by a guide using arcane local landmarks , they arrived at Dunvegan Castle in the later afternoon , and Johnson found himself much warmed by the reception .
5 Mr Piggott found himself quite dazzled by the warmth of her smile as she made for the door , and was unable to speak .
6 We remember well its prime movers : Charlie Hopper , the gallant sub-postmaster ; Tom Robson who had the paper shop in Low Deanery Street ; Bob Jackson whose family business described itself still does as a ‘ lifetime furnisher . ’
7 While North Korea found itself increasingly isolated by the momentous changes which occurred in Eastern Europe in 1989 , its relationship with China remained close [ for unofficial visit to Beijing by Kim Il Sung , politburo member Ho Dam and Foreign Minister Kim Yong Nam in November 1989 see p. 37041 ] .
8 Shortly afterwards Mrs Thatcher found herself similarly isolated in a one to 11 minority when the other heads of government endorsed a Declaration of Social Rights .
9 She landed up with still more work on her hands when the wardrobe mistress fell ill and she found herself gamely stepping into the breach .
10 A small fountain splashed musically in the centre , the clear water dazzling , and Maggie found herself almost stunned for the first time in many years .
11 She must have been driving more erratically than she thought for she found herself half skewed across the road .
12 Chantal prised herself from D'Arcy 's grasp and found herself eagerly reaching for the receiver .
13 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
14 The runners found themselves unfairly rebuked for the market-makers ' errors , and for their whimsical misquotes or bid-only quotes that could ruin a deal .
15 His anarchic , renegade spirit attracted those working-class boys who , on arriving at Hamilton Terrace , found themselves suddenly liberated from the limitations and conformity of their background .
16 Earlier Rangers had been thinking of survival rather than victory as for the third weekend in a row the Glasgow giants found themselves seriously threatened by a club from the bottom half of the table .
17 But best of all , I found myself gainfully employed in the South Tyne , which was only a ten-minute walk from the front door , five if I ran , which I often did .
18 David Blunkett MP showed himself most committed on the issue , protesting at the sheer chutzpah of the Tories in purloining for themselves a concept of essentially socialist origin .
19 She shook herself vigorously to throw off the fugginess in her head .
20 Cassidys are in the process of upgrading everything but their prices ( the whole outfit pictured above excluding shoes comes in at less than £50 ) and the travellers declared themselves seriously impressed with the clothes , the balance of the models and the new shop design .
21 She felt herself mysteriously attached to the whole of creation .
22 ‘ But I got myself extremely fit during the summer and got the bug again .
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