Example sentences of "[vb past] [interj] i do [not/n't] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 I said , where did she get that from , my mum went oh I do n't know .
2 Since , I mean when it was on the back I thought oh I do n't know how you get used to each since he took the evening out and then he 's different bloke
3 about ten past one , well I had indigestion all night and I could feel it , and we 'd had our tea and I thought oh I do n't know , but I went to bed feeling alright and suddenly I woke up I thought oh my god I 'm gon na be sick , I come running down stairs , but you know I was , I was sick but I know I had n't finished and I 'd sat down and I was sick three times .
4 Yeah , I just got , when she said this morning I thought oh I did n't want him to pass on .
5 I mean okay so I thought ah I do n't give a shit you know , I mean but I was only like two minutes behind .
6 Well Kirsty said something to me and I said oh I do n't think so , I said I think he 's , you know , I , I 've heard that , you know , he seems a quite sincere kind of bloke , he seems nice but I do n't know that 's what I think but if he
7 You could , could the window tre the cleaner get through that window he said yes , but she 'll have to , he 'll have to force it , she said oh I do n't want it forcing , no , somebody at the shop in the greengrocers rooted through the phone book , eventually got her daughter 's phone number in Urmston , phoned for her and her daughter come down
8 Oh that 's excellent because er I said , he said oh I do n't want to be lugged with a big computer sort of thing and so on , so I said well you might , you might be able to get
9 Oh yeah that 's the only one I brought home , on Tuesday it was , well as soon as he saw , I brought it in and me dad looked at it and he goes yeah it 's alright , I knew he did n't like it and then when Mike got in , he said oh I do n't like that , so I said why ?
10 He said oh I do n't mind cleaning he said but , he 's like Derek , I mean I , ooh I can soon clean well he 's a good , you know , cleaner I mean the bath , whenever he , blimey if ever he cleans the bath it looks ten times better than when I I do it .
11 I said oh I do n't mind .
12 He said oh I do n't know , well what 's Ron doing ?
13 And I walked along back and front , back and front like that and I said oh I do n't know .
14 one thing and another and I said oh I do n't know , and there are Sunday and said look about taking Matthew , why do n't you let him go and I said well it 's a , it 's a long time , you know for
15 I said oh I do n't know .
16 I 've said to Jay I do n't know whether she do n't want me to help her , I do n't know , I , this is the second time I 've said to her , and she said oh I do n't know where they are , and I ai n't gon na ask her no more , if they get there they get there and if they do n't
17 I said oh I do n't know .
18 And see they were asking me what I was gon na use yesterday and I said oh I do n't know I said , I have n't got a clue .
19 and she said oh I did n't know what to do .
20 I said oh I did n't know that .
21 I said I did n't make myself homeless and he said no I did n't realise by November we , well we went down , that was the September and by the October we got our home did n't we ?
22 unlikely and he said no I do n't want to go , it 's easy sorry to have , thanks for your time .
23 Because it 's no good saying you 're interested and then going to ask your mother or father if you could talk a violin home and they said no I do n't want you practising at home I do n't like the sound of it or whatever .
24 But I said Cheryl if we do sell these tickets to whoever and they think they round yours , I said they can , you know what she said no I do n't want anyone else , I said that 's fair enough .
25 poor Derek , I mean I do n't know whether Derek 's away , did n't bother to come up on , if if he did n't bother to come Friday well he 's still laying on the bench , but if it 's Jack you see , the other day she well give did you ask him , I said no I do n't mention it till Friday to him and then when I get the next one I 'll say well is it this week 's or last week 's ?
26 Oh no you know she 's gon na sort of , sort of suus , so erm , I said oh it 's alright it 's only Eve 's house keeper , and I got back on the phone I said no I 'm every sorry to leave you hanging on I said no I do n't know where she is , I have n't seen her all morning , I have n't seen her at all , and er I said bye then , she said what 's the matter with you she said , I said what do you mean what 's the matter with me , she said oh , why you talking funny ?
27 I nearly said no I do n't like it call me Tony
28 But they had one in the corner you see and I could see the back leg was gone said to Margaret an said I might as well do something of that , you know , to do up it 's the only one that they had there that wanted really wanted repairing , so the feller said ooh I do n't know he said hang on , I 'll look in the book .
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