Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I suggested that help might come from friends who 'd been through the same scenario , or from genuinely sympathetic relatives ( but not critical ones ! ) .
2 I remember that luncheon with Basil absolutely perfectly , and that I 'd been at the National Gallery or the Tate , and I had a postcard with me of one of those primitive paintings , naïve paintings , of a cricket match they still have postcards of it .
3 He 'd been at the wrong end when a small company went bust in the city .
4 However the assignment took a little bit longer than it er than if he 'd been on the other product range .
5 Well I 'd been on the Menai Suspension Bridge before .
6 All of which explained that when I arrived at the BMC 's International Meet halfway through the week , the climbers that drifted into breakfast that morning looked like they 'd been on the receiving end of a very nasty artillery barrage .
7 I , I only took one case on after I was married er and that er that was a maternity case I 'd been to the first baby .
8 ‘ She 'd been to the French Riviera — or it could have been the Swiss Alps — or it could have been both — for a good couple of months . ’
9 " If I 'd been in the political arena I 'd have shouted .
10 Well , his theory was that this guy was a writer or something , a historian or somebody like that , and Freud said it 's quite likely that in the past he had had either dreams about a similar dream or conscious fantasies about how he would have felt if he 'd been in the French Revolution and what might have happened to him .
11 We 'd been in the same form for two terms without really speaking because we had separate friends and in any case at St Edward 's you were seated according to your exam results at the end of the previous term , so it was n't likely we 'd be close .
12 When Scarlet attempted to disagree , albeit feebly , Constance cited the scandals in the City and pointed out that the gap between the highest- and the lowest-paid was greater now than it had been since the nineteenth century .
13 In his later career he was hard-working and respected , especially by those in whose interests he was acting , but not innovative , as he had been during the heroic period of sanitary reform .
14 France 's diplomatic successes had made little impact on English opinion , and English military leadership was markedly weaker than it had been during the first phase of the war .
15 Enjoying widespread support in the constituencies , the supporters of the tariff threatened to become a danger to Baldwin 's leadership — as they had been during the 1929–31 period .
16 Rachel Esthart , a famous actress of her day , and a patron of Stella Pinero 's just as the then Chief Inspector Dander had been of the young Coffin , had left her Greenwich house to Stella .
17 He asked for prayer about the journey to Jerusalem , knowing the tensions that existed between the Christians who had been of the Jewish faith , and those who were converted Gentiles .
18 Tolonen had been of the same generation as the T'ang and they shared the same unspoken values .
19 If John had been of the same family as Jesus , moreover , his ‘ seal of approval ’ would have carried the additional authority of a royal warrant .
20 It had been midday Monday before she mentioned , in conversation with one of her regular customers , that MacQuillan had been to the Black Friar .
21 Once he had been to the forbidden place — for him , England — and once he had succeeded in returning , he would have been taken by a tide , a powerful current drawing him back to the heartwoods .
22 The old imperial line of communication through the Mediterranean , Suez Canal , Red Sea and Indian Ocean to the Far East and the Antipodes would be just as important to the Commonwealth as it had been to the colonial Empire .
23 More sensitive than their counterparts at the beginning of the decade had been to the technical qualities of Hollywood films , the critics of the time constantly drew attention to the gap between the aspirations and the achievements of British films .
24 I was almost certain that she had been to the British Museum no more recently than I had myself .
25 Five years ago people might have thought her greatest contribution had been to the British fashion industry .
26 When they met Minton asked Searle if he had been to the Royal Academy where The Death of Nelson was hanging in the Summer Exhibition .
27 She had been talking for several minutes about a party she had been to the previous evening .
28 In essence those statutory provisions had been to the same effect .
29 Owen had been to the Coptic Cathedral before but not to a Coptic church ; so he was surprised to find that most of the congregation appeared to be on crutches .
30 He had been to the Top Rank entertainment centre in Reading when all the scientists had gathered one evening to formulate a demand for a 40 per cent pay rise .
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