Example sentences of "[vb past] [been] [prep] [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 How would you describe , if you 'd been through that jungle what would you have said ?
2 Yes that 's how that 's how it was , yes all I was on that gate , I 'd been on that gate myself dozens of times .
3 If he 'd been in deep water he would n't have been damaged so much and neither would he have surfaced yet , perhaps not for several more days .
4 ‘ If I 'd been in cold sobriety I would never have married her .
5 Of the fathers of the boarders in these schools , 92 per cent were in the Registrar-General 's Class I or II , and 52 per cent had been to Public Schools themselves .
6 The PLO felt able to play what had been for fifteen years its ‘ last card ’ — recognition of Israel — because it had gained a stronger one through the Uprising .
7 Mum always bragged about never borrowing off anyone but I had noticed that since Dad had been on short time she seemed to have more money than ever to spend and was getting more friendly with the neighbours she could not stand as a rule .
8 The notion that Pretty Polly was simply beaten by a better horse at the distance on the day was well down the list of possible explanations for her defeat , and George Lambton aired the widely held view that jockeyship had proved the decisive factor : Bachelor 's Button ‘ was a sterling good horse , especially at Ascot , but he was not a Persimmon , and if a real good jockey had been on Pretty Polly I think she might just have scrambled home . ’
9 Ever since he had been at high school he 'd found some enjoyment and relief by getting back at them in ways they obviously did n't expect .
10 ‘ If the business had been in good heart it would have cost you a great deal more .
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