Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] [been] see [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Then a wave formed , the like of which had not been seen at Pipeline that winter .
2 The rest of the Battalion arrived at intervals including some of the missing men of A company who had not been seen since Waterloo .
3 He had not been seen since Castle Menzies .
4 Such figures had not been seen in Germany since the early 1950s and , as elsewhere in Europe , heavy industry was worst hit .
5 She started a craze for pearl chokers , which had not been seen in years .
6 Hillingdon 's thesis was that ‘ unexpressed needs ’ , though felt , had not been seen in terms of a library solution , whilst in the case of ‘ unactivated need ’ the library stimulated demand for needs which had not even been felt .
7 I 'd dressed in my long dress , eaten breakfast bedu fashion , discussed the children 's health with the Sheikha over coffee — the Youngest Son had had far too many headaches and his usual teasing and joking had n't been seen for days .
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