Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] in [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 John got down in front of Dad and looked up into his face and said , ‘ It 's our flight . ’
2 ‘ The constitutional function performed by courts of justice as interpreters of the written law laid down in Acts of Parliament is often described as ascertaining ‘ the intention of Parliament ; ’ but what this metaphor , though convenient , omits to take into account is that the court , when acting in its interpretative role , as well as when it is engaged in reviewing the legality of administrative action , is doing so as mediator between the state in the exercise of its legislative power and the private citizen for whom the law made by Parliament constitutes a rule binding upon him and enforceable by the executive power of the state .
3 Kragan knelt down in front of Adam and looked at him as a butcher would appraise a cut of meat .
4 Fair-haired Jews from Moscow and Leningrad mingled with olive-skinned Georgians to read the Cyrillic slogans welcoming them and then sank down in rows of plastic chairs or gazed at the panoramic photograph of Jerusalem covering an entire wall .
5 The clouds rose up in front of God 's throne .
6 Employers who do not offer career breaks and childcare facilities may find themselves passed over in favour of employers who do .
7 The bucket had a rope attached to its handle and I skimmed it over the stern to haul up a gallon or so of sea-water which I slammed down in front of Rickie .
8 He came down in favour of microkernels , the client-server paradigm , and remote procedure calls .
9 Whether this added up in terms of cost per job was another matter .
10 I booked up in advance of course .
11 Higgins , came up in front of snooker 's ruling body , the WPBSA , to answer charges of offences committed during last November 's UK championship in Preston .
12 At last Fairham tore his gaze away and filed out in front of Nicholson .
13 It was an ordinary Bobby on foot patrol who strolled out in front of Armstrong and put a hand on the roof after indicating to me to lower my window .
14 He spent more than 40 hours constructing a wooden last and fashioning a brown leather shoe that measured up in terms of style and fit .
15 He danced about in front of Lachlan , shouting and waving .
16 ‘ And you just got up in front of Henry and those pipsqueaks in your department and said , ‘ Sorry and all that , old chaps , but I 've been wrong all my life and led you into error and wickedness ’ ? ’
17 There were long streaks of stickiness on the floor to which ash had stuck , glasses with remnants of drink , some with cigarette stubs disintegrating in them , some tipped over in puddles of booze , plates with remnants of food and cigarettes that had smouldered out among them .
18 There had seemed , in the carriage ride from Bodmin , to be no snow in Cornwall , and the air when she stepped out in front of Aunt Emily 's door had a faint , sharp tang of salt , a whiff of the sea .
19 I clipped into the top peg and swung around in tides of feelings below the bulge .
20 They were soft scratchings or shufflings , like the sounds made by an animal as it sniffed about in search of food .
21 As he approached the age of 40 he bowed out in favour of Peter May , an heir-apparent who had succeeded Sir Leonard Hutton as England captain two years earlier .
22 All this went on in front of Mr Barr and linesman David Magill , which let me say , was the result of an over-acted injury by another Linfield player .
23 Usually I took my bicycle and went off in search of friends who , like me , were too full of energy to want to rest .
24 But while he has anguished over his role in life , to the point where it would surprise no one if he just threw in the towel tomorrow and went off in search of obscurity , Steffi appears to have suffered no such agonies and self-doubt .
25 Luckily , one of the participants had to withdraw at the last moment and taking her place on the team , I went off in search of sponsors .
26 Prost won out in the end and then went off in persuit of Hill
27 the world chewed up , spat out in terms of tons
28 It is unusual to see hourly rates spelled out in terms of reference , but it may save arguments later .
29 Cars zoomed by in wings of water .
30 Eyre Square , though marred by a mad iron statue put up in honour of Kennedy , was still a fine place , used as a promenade by the young people of Galway .
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