Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] [prep] [noun prp] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Straightaway Steve got on to Malcolm and told him they needed all this money to join up with Scientology .
2 Adam got down from Goblander and said ,
3 The woman brought water from the house , knelt down beside Yussuf and began to mop his wound .
4 She knelt down by Luch and started to drink the soup .
5 He peered down at Ralph and said ,
6 Sometimes tourists wandered in off Longacre and looked about the hall of this famous British institution before he ushered them out .
7 He squared up to Peter and punched him lightly on the shoulder .
8 He then moved out of Paris and lived in villages near the river Seine to the west of Paris — Louveciennes , Marly-le-Roi , and Sèvres — but in 1880 he returned to the area south-east of the forest of Fontainebleau , where he had first painted during the 1860s , and lived in a series of villages near the confluence of the rivers Loing and Seine — Veneux-Nadon , Les Sablons , and Moret-sur-Loing .
9 Carol , a jeweller for more than 25 years , has built up a steady following for her original designs in the six years since she moved out of London and started her own business .
10 Dara fled back to Agra and set off on the road to Delhi without daring to face his father .
11 As a result of his leadership , the Frankish army fought through to Bordeaux and built a huge fortified camp at Fronsac .
12 Speed came on for White and did n't seem to have many problems although that 's prob- ably because he did n't touch the ball much .
13 Refreshed , we drove on to Shwebo and had breakfast with a small group of SPG missionaries who had camped out there , looking after the stream of refugees hoping to be flown to India .
14 Flavius the Noseless had booked two weeks in Greece for his holidays , so whilst there he dropped in on Archimedes and asked if he could come up with anything .
15 Nine priests came down from Oxford and tried to lay the troubled soul to rest in a nearby pool .
16 Amongst Robins 's acquaintances was Robert ( Bob ) Harris , whom Robins had got to know when he came down from Keele and worked with him on Circuit .
17 She came down from Olympus and made love to him while he slept .
18 When such a man came down from Olympus and applied himself to the problems of Africa , his voice was heard .
19 He even drove down to Thanet and spent a couple of days driving round the maze of lanes , orchards and villages that lay south of the Stour inland from Sandwich .
20 They drove down to Letterkenny and had a meal , then they walked along the lough shore in the darkness , looking at the lights across the water .
21 Isobel came over to Anna and said , ‘ I suppose this is all about Pricewell 's . ’
22 Indeed , as the Daurog elder scooped nuts and berries and held them out to his family , Holly-jack came over to Tallis and stretched her branch-tusked mouth into the semblance of a smile .
23 The boy came over to Tallis and began to work on her with a knife .
24 After a while she came over to Tallis and bent down to peer at the human .
25 ‘ Nearly every year , ’ Joseph recalled , ‘ the agent came over from Lapwai and ordered us on to the reservation .
26 She sang along with the radio as she drove up through Gloucestershire and crossed into Wales by way of Abergavenny and Brecon , then took the road north towards Builth Wells , to the wooded hills south of the town where Penry 's house occupied a vantage point above the River Wye .
27 That night , Bruce came up to Gore and got Jim drunk again .
28 Dreamer came up to Tallis and tugged and twisted her from the frozen ground .
29 Judas came up to Jesus and kissed him .
30 A young , red-haired man , dressed simply in a leather jerkin , leggings and boots , came up to Corbett and spoke in an accent the English clerk could not even hope to follow .
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