Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv prt] [conj] they [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They say it was a computerised letter which got through and they apologise in advance to any other tenant who might have got one .
2 After a further period four queens and then four aces came along and they got in the beds too .
3 Chief Inspector of CID took charge and charged them all and then diplomacy came in and they went to court , discharged , back on the ship , and away .
4 It was only when Keith drove off that they realised to their horror where mischievous Tasha had got to .
5 Simon stepped in after they met at Barcelona .
6 I wondered how many of them glanced down as they processed in their finery into the castle for tea with the Queen .
7 Richie Lowell glanced up as they came into his office and then pushed his spectacles up into his greying hair .
8 They chatted on until they came to the Bramley Arms .
9 Two trial drillings produced results that attracted the interest of several US companies , but negotiations to exploit the well for commercial use broke down because they insisted on full control over the project , which the St Lucia government refused because it considered it to be a matter of national interest .
10 Their coach broke down and they arrived after begging a lift from a passing Transit van and car .
11 The bus pulled up and they jumped on it , going upstairs so they could smoke .
12 And there was not a great lot of the clover seeded about until they started with this wild white clover .
13 The two girls ran on until they came to Vasilissa 's home .
14 People are still paying off the debt they ran up when they borrowed on the back of roaring house prices in the eighties .
15 But then a major collapse set in and they slumped to 132–7 before .
16 Invariably , in such cases , the two sides ended up where they started with the RCM pleading moderation and a softly , softly approach .
17 Paul 's touching letters stood out and they met for the first time shortly before he was posted to the former Yugoslavia .
18 He pointed out that they had from the start prosecuted a vigorous trial even though cross-courses had led to " vast expense " and that they were , as spiritedly as ever , carrying on " bold works " .
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