Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] she have [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Er but she 's a member and we went there for lunch and it was the ideal place , you know , cos there were n't any , many people around and so we had quite a nice lunch and erm whilst we were there we then had a drink in er in the bar and erm her the , the secretary of the club , a lady , came to talk to Barbara and she mentioned that she 'd seen her on Blind Date you see , and so I got to know more by listening to them two speaking er and er that 's where I learnt about er that .
2 But now she realized that she had seen him before .
3 Suddenly she realized that she had forgotten she was relying totally on speed speechreading .
4 Charity glanced at the clock as she poured and announced that she 'd missed it , Peregrine asking if it mattered a hoot anyway , the wireless these day being so hopelessly uninformative , with nothing more important to impart than news of patrol activity on the Maginot Line .
5 ‘ When I tackled Didi about it she admitted that she 'd taken it upon herself to bribe one of the hotel chambermaids , a girl she knew , to do both .
6 She probably believed that she had converted him .
7 ‘ He is not a clever man , ’ her friend said and Dorothea recalled that she had said it before , anxiously , determined that Dorothea should understand but , nevertheless , accept .
8 ‘ It was Rizzi ! ’ she whispered , pleased that she 'd met him .
9 The offender had a dispute with the victim as a result of the sale by her of his car : the offender claimed that she had sold it for less than it was worth , and had not paid over to him his proper share in the proceeds of the sale .
10 She just replied that she had got it from the cupboard . ’
11 A restless movement on his part betrayed that she had provoked him once more , but in a different fashion .
12 I heard that she 'd followed you to Sydney . ’
13 Somehow he felt that she had beaten him at his own game of keeping things on a cool level .
14 She often felt that she had let him down .
15 As soon as Fosdyke had taken the pictures , she felt that she had shown him too much of her private life and put out her hand to receive them back .
16 Mum felt that she 's failed me by not stopping me sooner , but it was me who 'd let us both down .
17 But then she felt the sudden tension of the others , and knew that she 'd pushed it too far .
18 She opened her eyes to the darkness , a darkness too often populated before sleep by those familiar , reproachful , childish faces , brown , black and white , bending over her , asking why she had deserted them when they loved her and thought that she had loved them .
19 The report proved that she had known him very well indeed , and for a very long time .
20 The staff nurse said that she had thought it strange that this statement should have been volunteered ‘ out of the blue ’ moments after her mother had arrived .
21 No , I I think it was somebody I was talking to from Bretford who said that she 'd gone she was looking after the
22 He asked her out to lunch because he hoped that she had missed him .
23 Well , she had shrugged her shoulders metaphorically at that , and oh , how she wished that she had heeded him , instead of going on what she now saw clearly had been her wilful way .
24 She then wished that she had greeted her with less solicitude for she would now have to hear how her aunt was .
25 Jane suspected that she had brought it on herself .
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