Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] he do n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Harold got more because he sang and told jokes , but my mother maintained that he did n't sing well and that his jokes were blue .
2 She whined that he did n't love her .
3 Then I realized that he did n't want one to respond , that a response of almost any kind would have interrupted his flow , and the politest thing to do was follow the ADC 's example and just listen .
4 Elinor dreamily remembered what it was like to feel that your lover possessed all the wonderful qualities you wanted , before you realized that he did n't possess them , and that perhaps you had forced those qualities on him in the first place .
5 He realized that he did n't know her name .
6 He announced that he did n't give a rat 's fart for mumbling monks .
7 But mainly because he did n't like the place and believed that he did n't like Italians .
8 If the girl noticed that he did n't refer to them as her parents she gave no sign .
9 It was sudden , ’ he murmured blandly , but she noticed that he did n't comment on how long he 'd known him .
10 Once a Met Officer remarked cheerfully to me ( from the warmth and light of the office ) , that the rats were much more frightened of me than I was of them , but I noticed that he did n't take me up on my suggestion that he should come out with me and see for himself .
11 I guessed that he did n't intervene in my dispute with Shadwell because he wanted the situation to deteriorate further .
12 He replied that he did n't intend to submit himself to a leadership election because he was determined to fight the right wing , I told him that if he refused to go he would probably end up giving them exactly what they wanted .
13 His tone indicated that he did n't hold out much hope , and that his conscience had already grown that little bit heavier in anticipation .
14 He was sweating , and the way he held on to me indicated that he did n't want to be left alone .
15 It indicated that he did n't know me well — for which I was deeply grateful .
16 He nodded politely , but his whole body language indicated that he did n't agree .
17 She sensed that he did n't know what to do with it , and did n't want to admit his ignorance .
18 I was definitely pleased , but vaguely uneasy when I discovered that he did n't have a black rim around his neck .
19 In Los Angeles David decided that he did n't want to use the set any more , that he wanted to change the whole concept of the show , and that , I think , was the last straw for DeFries because , as difficult as it was as a set , it was an incredible show , quite wonderful to look at .
20 And if he decided that he did n't want a divorce ? she asked herself with a small shiver .
21 He was so distressed and shocked that he did n't play in the first two Tests , batted himself at No. 8 in the third and fourth matches , and withdrew from the fifth .
22 They repeated that he did n't need anything else because he would be back in the afternoon , which more than anything else they could have said made me wonder if we would ever see him again .
23 He meant that he did n't want it to be .
24 I looked at his face , which was something I did seldom , for I did n't like it , and saw that he did n't believe me ; that he found it inconceivable that I should n't love him ; that , ageing and unmarried though he was , he believed himself to be irresistible .
25 ‘ Were n't you worried that he did n't turn up ? ’
26 I sometimes worried that he did n't have enough time to see his own music but it seems he has it by memory .
27 But he knew that he did n't want to spend the next few hours in his own company .
28 He knew that he did n't want to explore the castle .
29 Even so , she had to admit to a sneaking sense of relief when Luke left the office just after twelve for a business luncheon ; despite her defiance , she preferred that he did n't see her cross the road to the wine bar at one o'clock .
30 I just like to start off by saying and just reminding the council well in particular Mr in light of what he said that he does n't understand what Mr is on about , well he 's never understood the issue of the merger in Highfields .
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