Example sentences of "[vb past] [that] [pers pn] [verb] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It made me uncomfortable , but I found that I grew more confident .
2 She found that she stayed quite dry there , but she wished she were somewhere else !
3 The executives reported that they became highly involved in writing the cases .
4 Also I express surprise at the Labour leader 's volte face a short while ago in the press he reported that he had more important matters to think about , or discuss insofar as fox fox hunting was concerned or words to that effect .
5 Tamar laughed with her and realised that she felt less depressed about the forthcoming confinement after this little spell of humour .
6 Maggie realised that she felt perfectly safe with him .
7 The night before her operation Mrs Fellows was prescribed a sedative to help her relax and sleep because she admitted that she felt very nervous .
8 In the 1930s and 1940s research on one large mollusc , the squid , revealed that it had truly giant nerve axons , which could be dissected out individually and were big enough to insert electrodes into .
9 Tests revealed that he had abnormally high levels of insulin in his blood , which could only have been injected .
10 Peter Samuel of Kingfisher , who quoted the names of nine search firms he had employed ( including two major international consultancies , Heidrick and Struggles and Norman Broadbent ) , argued that he used both large and small firms because of the variety of assignments he handled .
11 Later , when he went to check that Bathsheba 's sheep were safe , he noticed that they looked very frightened .
12 He noticed that she looked very flushed .
13 Fabia loved that he seemed as befuddle-headed as she .
14 Aunt Emily and Michael Swinton spoke to her together and then laughed and she saw that he looked quite different , much younger , that his hair and beard had been trimmed , that his expression was full of vitality .
15 I thought that she looked very pale when I arrived this afternoon .
16 Constance thought that she looked very smart .
17 Nicholson thought that he looked vaguely pleased to see him ; a small smile hovered on his dry lips .
18 I thought that I looked so smart in my white shoes , shorts , shirt and three cornered hat .
19 As they drove up to the house Constance thought that it looked very dark and silent .
20 Far from perceiving social work as too adversarial , they insisted that it remained too bland , welfarist and optimistic in its assumptions and operational strategies with potentially abusive parents .
21 Dalgliesh remembered that he had always drunk beer ; now he accepted whisky but said he could do with coffee first .
22 Staff said that they felt more inclined to offer services if they were not assuming sole responsibility for an individual 's welfare but could ‘ share the burden ’ .
23 Mr Milken offered a stamp of approval to both sides : investors trusted that he offered only good deals , not bad ones ; takeover bidders and bank lenders to the bids got a ‘ comfort letter ’ from Mr Milken assuring them that the finance would be there if the takeover went ahead .
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