Example sentences of "[vb past] [not/n't] know [pron] it be " in BNC.

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1 So I was determined to show them I could take a joke and the next time a big stork went over I pretended not to know what it was called and asked my girl .
2 Impossible to judge whether she knew or did not know whatever it was that Francis had been told , and there was nothing to be gained by turning the screw too hard .
3 If there was something lacking in his life , he did not know what it was .
4 Something had disturbed him , but he did not know what it was .
5 In any case she did not know what it was to be and took refuge in the business of drawing the cups and the teapot towards her .
6 He stood quivering to the gradations of light that sang in the roof , and did not know what it was that moved him so , the hour , or the true beauty of the proportions and spaces about him , or the marvellous and frightening sense of having drawn so close to the spring of his own being .
7 ‘ I honestly believe he did not know who it was because he did not do it .
8 I did n't know what it was , and they had to play in-between bingo sets .
9 I think that everyone probably goes through fights with their parents during their early teens but I certainly did n't know what it was like to run away from home and to have constant dealings with the police and welfare organisations .
10 Miranda did n't know what it was .
11 They looked me over , said that they did n't know what it was and sent me home .
12 I did n't know what it was all about till I got there and one of them said ‘ You may recognise this , ’ and it was all in the style of Camberwick Green .
13 They did n't know what it was like , these people .
14 She knew we 'd got a clue , even if she did n't know what it was .
15 I actually bought the guitar off the shelf but I did n't know what it was .
16 Early Muddy Waters stuff : his stuff was the first slide that I heard and I did n't know what it was ; I did n't know if someone was playing steel guitar ; it sounded like they were fretting the guitar and slidin' .
17 He did n't know what it was , but now it was n't small talk and he was n't just ticking over any more .
18 But he did n't know what it was , that was the trouble .
19 He held the gun as if he did n't know what it was , and looked at her .
20 How she had wanted him to kiss her , she did n't know what it was like to be kissed and Craig Grenfell was such a handsome man .
21 Half the other people on the interviewing committee did n't know what it was .
22 I had a vague feeling there was probably a simple way of lifting an old woman off the floor , bit I did n't know what it was .
23 The first time I was strung out I did n't know what it was .
24 William did n't know what it was — flood or earthquake , drought or famine , or a combination of all four — but they moved , and they took the fleas and the bacilli with them , and somewhere in their travels they encountered the black rat rattus rattus , and the drama began to move along a bit , because rattus rattus was a vagabond and a great little mover .
25 I did n't know what it was and I certainly had n't asked for it .
26 My solicitor got some papers for me to sign , but I was so depressed I did n't know what it was about .
27 She had no idea what love was like and , if she did n't know what it was like , how could she know if she wanted it ?
28 The jeweller did n't know what it was my father showed him .
29 I told them they did n't know what it was like .
30 Piers cleaned out his ear with his little finger and then leant on his elbow with his forehead on outstretched fingers — and shook his head every time the instrument ( I did n't know what it was then ) vibrated .
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