Example sentences of "[vb past] [subord] he [verb] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Phil 's 3rd Big Break in showbiz came when he saw an ad in the back of a public school music paper .
2 It occasionally happened when he started an improvisation .
3 The clouds were beginning to gather , hiding the hunter 's moon , and Ranulf shivered as he heard an owl hoot and the ominous chatter of other night birds .
4 The taxi bill arose after he opened an account for Nalgo with Mersey Cabs without authorisation and used it for his own personal use as well as official business .
5 So having got back to Egypt ( and he was being harried from one end of the Western Desert to the other by Rommel ) Boyce found himself in a caravan which was his headquarters and also where he lived when he received an order to hare back as fast as possible to El Alamein .
6 Some of us wondered if he had an illness that no one knew about . ’
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