Example sentences of "[vb past] [subord] [pron] [vb past] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The older man 's bushy grey brows rose as he shot her a penetrating glance .
2 He frowned as he handed her a cup of tea .
3 Travis frowned as he handed her a mug of soup .
4 The right hon. and learned Gentleman nodded when I asked him the same question earlier , but he has not said how he will ensure fairness between schools and therefore , no discrimination against students with special needs .
5 ‘ Well , you must admit — ’ she began as he handed her a glass .
6 Merrill protested as she handed him the file .
7 Lucy swallowed as she sent him a nervous glance .
8 I thought cos I thought what a load of
9 So she felt when she allowed herself a journey to London and made like a homing pigeon for the perfumery counters of department stores .
10 The sense of disbelief grew when I realised what a truly wonderful prize I 'd won .
11 She was always quiet , which I liked because it gave me a chance to talk without interruption .
12 I oppose the carry-over motion for the Bill , as I did when we debated it a year ago .
13 He asked whether anyone knew who the woman was .
14 He was supposed to take the advice of Archbishop Lang of Canterbury but he distrusted everything Lang said because he thought him an appeaser of Hitler .
15 ‘ See , I got to thinkin' about what the chink said when he showed you the firebombs .
16 Right , which is what we got when we did it the other way .
17 Right I just wondered if she gave you an address cos it you know got a super little town map here .
18 His voice lilted as he teased her a little .
19 I do n't want it , ’ she snapped as he handed her a large vodka and tonic , then took such a huge gulp that she nearly choked .
20 Celia 's patience snapped when he poured her the second glass of retsina .
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