Example sentences of "[vb past] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And so I got more and more involved with the electronics thing , and stopped playing in groups completely in 1980 , having started work in the design section of various electronics companies like Pignose , Oberheim and BC Rich , who I 'd actually started with in ‘ 77 , then Fender during ‘ 81 and ‘ 82 . ’
2 He admitted escaping from prison along with three charges of armed robbery and one of attempted robbery .
3 But the the the railway stock was in such a bad state , that that 's when people started the real activists of the Labour movement really started talking about confiscation instead of compensation .
4 What he also could n't be expected to know ( and thank goodness he did n't ) , was how much more morally devastating were the V1 and V2 buzz bombs and rockets when they started falling on London soon after D-Day .
5 He kept thinking of Lee out in the shed fiddling with his Dad 's tools , nicking nails , messing with his bike .
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