Example sentences of "[vb past] [num] [num] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 They even made 12 million shells for the army .
2 A Home Office pathologist has told the James murder trial at Preston Crown Court that he found forty two injuries on the child 's body .
3 West Mercia police found ninety nine drivers over the legal limit out of more than nine hundred tested .
4 Its massive cone rose five thousand feet above the Bahdu plain and a chain of foothills stretched south-west parallel with the Awash .
5 However , Price finished strongly and snatched one five minutes from the end and came very close to forcing a replay .
6 The state economic sector was reported in December 1989 by government economists to have registered a 3 per cent increase in its industrial output in 1989 , and contributed 800,000 million dong to the state budget — 40,000 million dong more than in 1988 .
7 Most astronomical telescopes view everything upside-down and er I drew two hundred lines to the inch inside this eyepiece .
8 In America , they made six hundred prints of the film and decided these bits were supposed to be in black-and-white and they could fix it !
9 We , the French , came twelve thousand miles across the sea .
10 He parked two hundred yards from the precipice and let her walk the rest .
11 " Lady Chatterley 's Lover " sold three million copies in the three months following after its prosecution in 1961 .
12 The company , which is based at Abingdon in Oxfordshire , made three million pounds for the six months up to March this year .
13 No , he just said he paid six thousand pound on the tape , for the caravan .
14 They paid six hundred guineas for the painting in 1821 , but they did n't have the gallery space to do justice to the massive canvas , which measures 260 square feet .
15 The travellers paid eighteen thousand pounds for the site and had hoped to settle down and send their children to local schools .
16 assume that if you give them a population that owned seventy eight percent of the land and find out fifty percent of the land , then you , you know , you ca n't just give land , everyone 's not just gon na have land , you have to increase production to make everyone better off .
17 Len Webb 's organisation raised eleven thousand pounds for the machine , to carry out delicate throat operations .
18 The authority spent twenty thousand pounds on the eviction , half what the squatters say they 'd have paid in rent over the two years
19 The second is that Yorkshire finished 1989 four points from the bottom with a one-day record almost as poor ; it seems there has been no improvement , nor is one in sight .
20 For example if you spent four thousand pounds on the hardware , then you could well spend fifteen hundred or two thousand pounds on the software .
21 The local jute industry employed forty thousand people in the early years of the present century .
22 Then comes the Torrey Canyon , which dumped 35 million gallons into the English Channel in 1967 , followed by the Exxon Valdez ( 11 million , 1980 ) .
23 Well we lost sixty thousand pounds on the British Rail Station enquiry for example
24 We broke even on Thriller of the Year and lost twenty eight pounds on the panto .
25 Of the more than ten million bound editions that bear his name as editor or author , he was proudest of the fortnightly Harmsworth 's Universal Encyclopedia ( 1920–2 ) which , under the slogan of ‘ a penny a day 's subscription ’ , sold twelve million copies throughout the English-speaking world and was translated into six languages , including Japanese .
26 According to him or her , after the fall of Troy Priam and Antenor led twelve thousand men to the river Tanais , and then to the Maeotic swamps .
27 Such is the demand for Kamrock 's outrageous wares that they sold one million cards in the first year of business no mean feat since the company was not cracking ribs until 1991 .
28 In nineteen eighty nine , at the last European elections , Labour took forty five seats to the Conservatives thirty two and we are looking forward to the elections in June when the party opposite , ridden by divisions and disagreements , will suffer further loses and Labour , we hope , will make further gains .
29 For example , he postulated 300 million years since the Cretaceous to allow for the scooping out of the Wealden anticline in south-east England .
30 So I would say to this Council when they were in power they set compulsive competitive tendering that sent thirteen hundred people down the road .
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