Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [pers pn] [conj] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'ad to meet 'im after I 'd 'ad me look around .
2 Erm we have n't got anybody here with a beard so we ca n't demonstrate and anyway it would be a dangerous experiment if we did , but supposing you tried to strangle me and I 've got a big beard you know , a kind of Karl Marx style beard well a big beard , er you get your hands round my neck and what can I do ?
3 ‘ One man got in and tried to strangle him but I pulled him off , ’ he said .
4 I would appreciate it if the two gentlemen who stopped to help me when I had an accident with my car on the road near Dounreay on 1/12/92 would contact me — Ellen Campbell , Reay 345 .
5 I tried to improve it and I remember him screaming at me in the street after the first-night party in London . ’
6 ‘ I tried to attack him but I did n't have enough patience .
7 ‘ That was the way I tried to show you that I loved you , ’ Julius answered in a low voice .
8 When he got up to go I tried to tell him that I understood , that I would n't say anything if he would take me home , but he backed away out .
9 I tried to tell him that I did n't blame him for deflowering me but he was n't listening .
10 ‘ No ; the police came to see me before I had had time to make other arrangements .
11 She came to seem me before I began to use the LM potencies and there was some minor pathology in the kidney related to surgery for prolapsed kidney , so I was reluctant to use higher than 200 .
12 Nicola seemed to fancy me and I fancied her .
13 Everybody seemed to shun her but I felt sorry for her and we became close friends .
14 It seemed to suit me and I seemed to suit it and I felt comfortable .
15 It seemed to suit me and I seemed to suit it and I felt comfortable .
16 I came to tell you because I did n't know what to do , and you said you 'd try to help , then what happens ?
17 I could n't have stood the scene had I refused — and then I forgot to remove it once I started to stalk . ’
18 A nagging doubt began to affect me when I observed a signpost to Cape Town .
19 They threatened to kill me if I did n't tell them .
20 ‘ In the first place , he threatened to sell me before I had made my Rangers debut , and I had no reason to believe that he was kidding , either .
21 He began to address us and I found the way he spoke mesmeric .
22 I originally decided to meet you because I 'd heard the civil police were n't letting ‘ sleeping spies lie ’ .
23 You will recall , however , that before you vanished from our lives you entrusted me with the notes you had kept while working on the Big Glass and the Green Box , telling me I could do what I liked with them , and adding , in your usual sensitive way , that I could always use them to wipe my arse if the paper decided to sack me and I found myself really hard up .
24 This is what they wanted and I undertook to do it and I tell you , all me life I 've been able to and have done that .
25 Then you started to fight me and I felt this red mist explode in front of my eyes .
26 Regardless of the circumstances , or how I felt , or how much I needed to tell you that I loved you ? ’
27 Frankie picked up the empty kettle and went to refill it but I noticed that none of the onlookers tried to wring his neck while he had the kettle in his hands .
28 I went to punch him but I caught him with the crowbar instead . ’
29 Carrie suddenly said , ‘ Your mum and I were worried about you , Seb , but all my dad could keep saying was , ‘ It 's a good job I managed to reach you when I did , or you 'd have been up at that farmhouse for another week . ’ ’
30 No , no I , I do n't know how but there was two cars that was , that was er behind me and I managed to avoid them but I do n't know how .
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