Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [noun] ['s] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( The value of such trade had more than doubled between 1988 and 1990 , to a record US$705,000,000 , as US firms sought to capitalize on Cuba 's need for new financial partners . )
2 " Palmerston 's three periods of foreign policy strengthened Britain 's influence in Europe , although his bullying methods led to anger among Britain 's wartime allies .
3 It sought to provide for workers ' retirement by broad , diversified investment in the American economy , that is , in equities .
4 Anyway , the clergyman who came to look after those who were C of E got to know about Grandma 's skill as a sewer and also knew that a little bit of extra money would be welcome in her household .
5 Say he somehow got to know of Aldhelm 's coming , even so by avoiding he could only delay recognition , not prevent it , he would have to reappear in the end .
6 Cornelius smiled warmly and rose to go with God 's grace .
7 In significant respects both differed on what a study of human society might look like , and both made strenuous and hard-won efforts to carry through their respective conceptions through argument and research into the phenomena they tried to identify as sociology 's subject matter .
8 She was right , only the anachronisms she tried to wedge into Daine 's Dream did n't take .
9 The thin man almost danced with anxiety and tried to get in Michael 's way .
10 Burglars fled empty-handed after triggering the alarm as they tried to break into Garforth 's off-licence in Burbank Street , Hartlepool .
11 A shadow seemed to pass over Luke 's face .
12 The programmers were called in and told to fiddle with Univac 's brain to make the prediction more realistic .
13 Not that that seemed to apply in Carolan 's case — his background was rich landowning , fox-hunting squires , dull , perhaps , and rigidly class-conscious , but , at any rate in recent generations , apparently quite decent sorts — Colonel Blimps rather than slick financiers or face-grinding industrialists .
14 When Colin came to play at David 's house the boys would ring the neighbours ' doorbells and run away , and throw things into their gardens .
15 Roger 's Halberstadt came looming up , its observers firing steadily : bright dashes which seemed to bend towards Roger 's machine .
16 It seemed to slither across Fergus 's skin , and they thought that he cried out .
17 The whole world seemed to ache for summer 's coming .
18 The food dispenser seemed to sway around Bernice 's body .
19 The solitary death of Gerda Taro in July 1937 came to symbolise in Nizan 's mind this tragic development .
20 Habermas 's early analyses of ideology in relation to rationality and legitimation seemed to build on Marx 's theory of ideology within a framework of critique .
21 However , Simon came to call at Regent 's Park , he had the perfect excuse .
22 Tanya and Katya came to stay at Ursula 's home in the Forest of Dean .
23 McIllvanney had made the offer very dispassionately , but that businesslike approach only seemed to add to Ellen 's fury .
24 The name ‘ AEA Technology ’ was introduced but more and more questions seemed to arise about AEA 's future .
25 Yesterday morning shares seemed to recover from Monday 's collapse .
26 About to emigrate to Australia , he happened to meet at King 's Cross Station , London , Thomas Constable [ q.v. ] , the queen 's printer in Edinburgh , a fellow Edinburgh Academical , and an elder of Pilrig Free kirk , who suggested that he try a spell in the printing trade .
27 Gilbert turned to stare in Cardiff 's direction as if contemplating another mad dash for the reception doors and then remembered the thing that lay beyond them .
28 She turned to look into Gazzer 's face , concentrating her attention on him for the first time since he had climbed up to sit beside her in the sand dunes .
29 She turned to look for Douglas 's support , but he had taken his coffee and retreated with the dog .
30 This introduction to Yiddishy essen ( food ) happened to coincide with Sam 's sojourn in America .
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