Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I imagine he had dreamed of doing what he came to do for years before he tightened up his courage . ’
2 HANSON , the industrial conglomerate headed by Lord Hanson , yesterday declined to comment on rumours that it is planning to sell its Ever Ready battery subsidiary .
3 He began to remark to others that he could not make the necessary synthesis , perhaps referring to a marriage of his romantic inclinations with the aim , inculcated in him by Colquhoun and MacBryde , to make it ‘ tight ’ , to achieve the kind of fully integrated compositional resolution often associated with classical art .
4 and they had to they had to sit in rows and they had to do as they were told and they were n't allowed
5 Daniel , who spent £75 on new games and equipment , added : ‘ We had to wait for ages but it was worth it . ’
6 Anyway , it was a bit weird cos we had to go with parties cos they 're all they 're all black and they 're all about six and a half feet tall you know !
7 So we had to go to pictures and we had to have a few or whatever .
8 And many women actually did take to their beds when they were menstruating and erm sort of retired from active life and this was n't possible then because so many women had been called up you know and they had had to be in the army or they had to work in factories and it was n't possible for them to be absent .
9 ‘ We bought it in Paris and I had to stand for hours while they fitted me .
10 So he er he was most upset was poor Ben so I did explain to him that what he had to do with policemen if they were n't feeling too good was to try and avoid saying things er quite as straightforwardly as that .
11 He had to live with things as they were , and his work , as far as it existed , was on the plane of helping individuals who had to live , as he did , in the society which existed .
12 Oh yeah we walked past park cos he asked me if I wanted to go on swings and it led up to his back gate , well , you 've never seen me put a sigh of relief on me face , I went
13 But Heinz boss Tony O'Reilly 's Independent Newspapers refused to comment on rumours that he has further increased his stake in the Mirror above the 1.3 per cent he has already bought .
14 Eyadema refused to accede to demands that he resign as head of state prior to the conference , but agreed to abide by its decisions .
15 Not good form to leave Erlich alone in his office , but his safe was locked , and the drawers of his desk were locked , and he wanted to get to Accounts before they closed , to draw a float before setting off .
16 A DRIVER sparked a major alert when he refused to stop for police because he thought patrol cars still used bells .
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