Example sentences of "[vb past] [to-vb] [noun] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They can also run courses or help with internal courses , e.g. : ‘ Members of staff registered to attend courses and they provide tutors/input to locally arranged courses ’ .
2 The gang expected to net £5,000 as they ambushed a wages clerk on her drive back from the bank .
3 The hunters failed to find Ralph and they returned back to their fort .
4 I pretended to find Matthew and I roused the family … ’
5 Afterwards , Angelo Dundee , who had trained Ali from the start and had to be talked into showing up for this one , watched him slumped in the dressing-room , then turned away and rubbed his eyes as certain people tried to convince Ali that he had been robbed and that a fourth title was still possible .
6 He tried to block things but they went fast .
7 Ken tried to make friends if he thought he 'd upset a colleague whom he did respect or value .
8 Alec and Miriam tried to comfort Emily as she stared after them , wide-eyed and trembling .
9 Things , though , went from bad to worse , and the following January I tried to commit suicide because I felt I could n't go on .
10 Even worse , Dan Rather , the CBS news anchorman once considered America 's most trusted person , failed to answer accusations that he had aired fake battle footage and false news accounts of the Afghan war .
11 That 's who Jesus is God in flesh , and he came to forgive sin and he wanted to forgive this woman her sin .
12 But it seemed to worry Julia and she cried out :
13 Thus , in spite of the large amount of flying experience I had accumulated overseas , I found that it was of little use to me back in the UK , I did find , however , that my seniority as an NCO seemed to attract functions that I found difficult to avoid .
14 On hearing the news of the battle , Shah Jehan prepared to ambush Aurangzeb as he entered the Agra Fort — but his plan was betrayed by Aurangzeb 's sister and ally , Roshanara Begum .
15 I came to motor sport after I 'd qualified as an architect and gained a business degree , ’ he told her curtly .
16 ‘ My family came to do good and they did very well . ’
17 She was grey haired , quite dumpy with a white coat on and she came to collect sperm if you wanted it stored .
18 With only one hand this seemed to take ages and I hoped Malpass was a slow bleeder .
19 A thought seemed to strike Maria and she added , ‘ They always spoke English together , but once I overheard Signor Diomede remark in Italian how little she had changed . ’
20 Hankin planned to select Ellison until he picked up a hamstring injury .
21 At the doorway she turned to watch Juliet as she cleared the equipment away .
22 She turned to say goodbye as she went outside , but , to her chagrin , he had returned to his office .
23 Magistrates declined to order compensation because they said he had been provoked .
24 Then , although I 'd never had any morning sickness , I began to feel pain after I 'd eaten . ’
25 A witness said : ‘ Two engines cut out and the plane started to eject fuel as it lost height .
26 Pressure on the pound lightened yesterday as financial markets decided to suspend judgement until they heard what the Chancellor had to say , a mood which was reflected among Conservative representatives .
27 In these circumstances , the Computex distribution manager decided to withhold payment until he received a satisfactory explanation of the late delivery in Belfast .
28 He started to have fits and he suffered permanent damage .
29 Gooch 's 133 failed to save England but it proved he is back to top form just like Wasim , who said : ‘ I am playing well , enjoying my cricket and giving 100 per cent for Lancashire .
30 Fergus and Lachy were fighting and Fergus meant to hit Lachy but he did n't mean to put his eye out .
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