Example sentences of "[vb past] [noun prp] [conj] [pron] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Nothing , ’ muttered Robbie as she slid into her seat .
2 I got the 109 which got Watson and he crashed into the drink about 200 yards from Watty .
3 ‘ Had a good day ? ’ asked Iris as she settled into the Golf to be driven back to the auberge at the end of the afternoon .
4 ‘ Those noises ! ’ gasped Edgar as he reeled into the corridor .
5 ‘ Takes you back , does n't it ? ’ said William as they went into the church .
6 ‘ It 's getting popular , ’ said Markby as they squeezed into a corner settle near the fire .
7 ‘ Their heads were bitten off , ’ said Lee as they went into Philip 's bedroom .
8 ‘ It ent arrived , has it ? ’ said George as they stepped into the dark hall .
9 ‘ You look worn out , ’ said Bedelia as she bustled into the kitchen .
10 ‘ I first met Julie when I walked into her gallery but it took me three years to walk out with her as my wife , ’ he says .
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