Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] as she [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But not me ? ’ she asked dubiously as she held it up against her .
2 Her hand trembled slightly as she place it on her father 's arm , but when she heard the traditional strains of music announcing her arrival , and saw Silas looking extremely handsome as he waited at the end of the aisle , her nervousness fled .
3 Leith asked quickly as she sensed he was getting a bit down .
4 Isabel looked up at him quickly , startled anew as she realised he was much younger than she 'd first supposed .
5 She glanced away as she said it and concentrated on stirring her coffee .
6 Their fingers touched briefly as she took it from him , and Lucy almost snatched her hand away .
7 She blushed guiltily as she realised he had refused a sweet , opting just for coffee , but then , she doubted that anything could test his willpower and not lose .
8 Maria shuddered convulsively as she felt her nipple rolled between diabolically skilled finger and thumb , the mini-spasm of ecstasy gratifying and tormenting all at once , and ultimately cruelly deceptive because it brought no resolution or peace , only an even deeper hunger that seemed to plumb the deeps of the most secret levels of self .
9 ‘ Come along , leprechaun , ’ he called softly as she reached him , and he kissed her gently on the lips .
10 His mother would sit with him , knitting , occupying a rocking chair which creaked regularly as she moved it .
11 ‘ How was your first day as Damian 's secretary ? ’ he asked weakly , but his eyes gleamed with a new reason to live , and he listened eagerly as she told him half-truths about her new job .
12 They stared at one another , and as her mama had so often said , and thought again as she watched them , they were so alike in every way except their sex that they might have been two sides of the same coin .
13 Her heart thumped painfully as she remembered him making love to her for the first time , the hard , forceful thrust of his body coming much quicker than she had expected , an abrupt shock after all the gentleness that had gone before .
14 ‘ I want to look at you without any clothes on , ’ she said suddenly as she watched him suck his chocolate .
15 She tutted aloud as she remembered she had nearly quailed altogether and quit him when he caressed her so directly and bit her ; but he was masterful , and had knowledge , and her love burst into ever greater intensity at the thought of that expertise .
16 ‘ Waiting is the worst , ’ Rose said sympathetically as she saw them struggling with food .
17 I 've burnt half the food waiting for you , ’ Stephen snapped impatiently as she joined him by the smoking barbecue .
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