Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] [prep] all the " in BNC.

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1 We 're the best meal place round 'ere , an' after all 'e used ter call in all the time when 'e 'ad that ovver job , ’ Carrie reminded him .
2 As Carol had heard it , the Special Air Service had somehow broken through all the perimeter fences in the night , evaded the Ministry police and their bloody dogs , and reached the doors of the earth mound where the chemical explosives were stored .
3 They were in a dark corner behind the bandstand in the park and had quickly gone through all the other stages , including the one Sally liked best , kissing and pressing the lower half of their bodies close together as if they were dancing .
4 Our wartime experiences were nearly at an end and I sat there thinking of all the many people I had known briefly , wondering if I should see any of them again , and remembering the many whom I knew I should never see again .
5 She crossed her arms and stood there bristling with all the counter-strength of the street .
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