Example sentences of "[vb past] [adv] [verb] she [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 'd better get her to the hospital , ’ said Comfort .
2 Ever since that morning when he 'd briefly pinned her to the mattress , gazing down at her so intently that his eyes had seemed to search her very soul , she 'd realised that she was in deep trouble .
3 ‘ Who is to know ? ’ he countered , and , setting a firm hand to her back , he began gently to propel her towards the table .
4 " Do you have sons and daughters , madame ? " he inquired politely to draw her into the conversation .
5 As it was , she had to draw on reserves of courage she had n't even known she possessed just to get her through the opening number .
6 Instead he had relentlessly bombarded her with the same questions .
7 Someone had eventually taken her through the bustling , towering giant world of the shop to where her mother waited .
8 We had better take her to the mortuary , before the daily hordes come pouring in . ’
9 It was as if a light blow , say on her cheek , had suddenly distracted her from the braced confidence of her early mood to an unwelcome uncertainty .
10 But then she should have anticipated that , since Candy had already warned her of the Scorpio ability to be cruel .
11 She was gabbling , her voice breathy and barely under control , because she 'd raised her eyes to his face only to find the expression there more disturbing than the casual masculine pose he 'd adopted , and which had already reminded her of the night she 'd spent in his bed .
12 However much she might have wanted to remain aloof from publicity the female press corps had already identified her as the ‘ Woman Head ’ of a multi-million dollar international corporation and , through the same lens , saw her therefore as challenging a man 's world .
13 ‘ Oh no , ’ she said , ‘ oh no , ’ in a shocked , incredulous way as if someone had just slapped her in the face .
14 Perhaps all those years wasted mooning over Jake had somehow robbed her of the ability to give her love to someone more deserving .
15 Since she felt as though someone had physically kicked her in the stomach , it took Shannon a moment or two to get the words out .
16 He had always delivered her to the same spot .
17 The room , the cottage , Ryan , her lack of confidence , all faded ; there was only now , this one moment in time , and nothing in her life had ever prepared her for the feelings she experienced .
18 The heat was fierce that June — 102 degrees in the shade at one time — but Mrs Browning went out in it and seemed to have forgotten such scorching sun had once enervated her to the point of collapse .
19 Then she wondered suddenly if Tom Russell had known she would find it intimidating and had deliberately kept her in the dark .
20 It was he after all who had led her to arrest Taczek , he who had indirectly led her into the chief superintendent 's office that morning to have her face sprayed with warm saliva .
21 She was herself a cripple , constantly in need of the sort of attention her husband had regularly given her in the evenings .
22 Her body was racked at times when the torment had almost driven her across the corridor into Andrew 's bed .
23 Dashing into the kitchen now , she found Jessie standing at the table and squeezing a lemon into a glass and she had almost pulled her from the table towards the door before she managed to say to her , ‘ He 's … he 's downstairs in the yard .
24 And yet … the thought crept back just before she drifted off to sleep … it had been rather nice that he had actually noticed her in the past , and noticed her to such an extent that he was now in a position to compare the woman she 'd become to the girl she 'd once been .
25 He had subsequently taken her to the cinema , where she had been startled to feel his hand creep into hers .
26 Creggan had never seen her at the front of her cage before .
27 She had never seen her in the morning and she knew instinctively that she had made a mistake in arriving without warning .
28 Adam had never touched her in the office , and she was not expecting it .
29 The rocks she sat behind shielded her from the lodge and the staff-cabins .
30 And there was something about him , an aura of confidence and power , as he stood there facing her across the bonnet of the Mini that told her that even if she 'd been driving a tank there was no way in the world he would have let her go past .
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