Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] very [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They 're only home-made , but I found them very useful to practise with . ’
2 I found it very easy to go into the science sixth and nobody suggested that it was n't a ladylike thing to do .
3 One woman described how she experienced an aggressive pattern : ‘ I found it very difficult to cope with women over me , especially if I thought that they were n't being fair — although I had no problems when dealing with men .
4 Ian Watson , the student in question was a clever young man who had worked very hard to achieve his place at the higher seat of learning ; he found it very difficult to manage on the pittance that his father allowed him .
5 I found it very difficult to get past the first fleet but when I did the game became more enjoyable especially as the 256 colour graphics match most games out today .
6 He found it very difficult to work in collaboration with others .
7 Even though she almost wholly accepted who Tammuz was , if only as an abstract , she still found it very difficult to look upon him as her father in flesh and blood .
8 One of the things I I I found it very difficult to start with I must admit is that to prejudge that people would or would not go in .
9 The empty pot was heavy and Asik found it very difficult to walk without carrying anything , but the pot made it almost impossible for him to move at any speed .
10 He had a curious way of stressing words in the wrong place , sometimes swallowing them completely , but there was a hypnotic singsong quality to his voice which made it very hard to concentrate on what he was actually saying .
11 I suppose my first experience is one of immense frustration , because I think this is very important document that you bring to us , but the speed and the sound being , the loud sound of delivery made it very difficult to stay with the , the concept and ideas .
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