Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] would [vb infin] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Apart from anything else , she wanted to recompense him in some way , although she doubted he would accept a reward .
2 I imagined I would have a lot of spare time , but my diary is always full .
3 Most soldiers would have been only too happy to go over the top , as they no longer believed they would survive a war some were saying would last for ever .
4 And if they thought that she was going to invite Colin and Yvonne in for a drink when they arrived they would get a shock .
5 When Alistair Wright became human resource director at Digital Equipment Co six years ago , he vowed he would set an example to the rest of the organisation by passing authority down the line and totally empowering his staff .
6 This time I decided I would try a child .
7 She decided she would let a lawyer handle absolutely everything .
8 She vowed that if she survived she would build a monastery as thanks for her life being spared .
9 Some decided they would have an entrance and an exit .
10 IRISH premier Albert Reynolds looks certain to fall today , after three members of his frail coalition government resigned yesterday and affirmed they would oppose a vote of confidence .
11 Under threat : Irish premier Albert Reynolds looks certain to fall today after three members of his frail coalition government resigned and affirmed they would oppose a vote of confidence .
12 Said he only saw me because he knew I would bring a present . ’
13 Most people said I should get probation , but I was looking on the black side and thought I would get a sentence of three to five years .
14 I thought I would get a job there but I could n't for a few months and er , my wife and two children joined me there and my brother 's wife joined us there , and two of us bought the house in Luton .
15 I thought I would have a go at senior rugby for a season , then pack it in .
16 ‘ I thought I would use a grenade ’ , said Vu Van Hau , a 22-year-old Vietnamese soldier who served for three years in Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom provinces , before returning to his native Ho Chi Minh City as part of the September withdrawal .
17 When Waterford Wedgwood Canada 's Gail Lilly volunteered to help out in a major international athletics event , she never dreamed she would find a pen-pal who would write to her from the other side of the world .
18 But , once upstairs , she knew she would have a job to get out again , especially if her father knew her destination .
19 ‘ I knew you would find a way , ’ she said .
20 And they talked to her , most politely : the Martin man asked her when she was doing her Finals , and she told him , and he asked her what she was going to do then , and she said that she thought she would do a teacher 's training course .
21 Diana , for her part , thought she would become a wife and mother ; but , with all the servants and secretaries who surrounded the Prince , including a valet who selected and prepared his clothes for the day , packed for him and even did his personal shopping , she felt superfluous , and just a little jealous .
22 ( My mother left South Africa and went to Lesotho when Lesotho became independent because she had become really depressed with South Africa and she thought she would find a niche and peace there . )
23 I thought she would have a fit on the spot .
24 We could n't sport the name of Dark or Phillips or Brown or Davies or any other Worcester paddler who went out to give their all but we thought we would have a go .
25 He said he was sorry for not visiting more often , sorry for not being there , for not , for not , for not , these omissions of his , these confessions , they rose into his closed mouth until it seemed that he might choke , they were jumbled up , dislocated , like old bones in a crypt , but he knew they fitted together , he knew they would form a skeleton where he could hang the flesh and muscle of his guilt .
26 Immediately they thought they would make a fortune if they were able to sell this food in shops .
27 ‘ I actually thought they would relate a lot more .
28 This chapter examines a study , where , at the outset , the analysts were not entirely clear what could be achieved by using soft systems analysis , but felt it would provide an overview of the situation , enabling ideas to be formulated about new relationships that would arise from a fundamental change in role .
29 Lord John had sounded hopeless for he knew he would lose a duel against Sharpe .
30 But she knew it would take a while before the immeasurable hunger receded within her .
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