Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But should it be that anyone ever wished to posit that I have attained at least a little of that crucial quality of ‘ dignity ’ in the course of my career , such a person may wish to be directed towards that conference of March 1923 as representing the moment when I first demonstrated I might have a capacity for such a quality .
2 BOWLER Vic Macey joked he 'd break a pal 's leg if he hit him for four at a Paignton cricket match — then DID accidentally after the game .
3 Apart from anything else , she wanted to recompense him in some way , although she doubted he would accept a reward .
4 ‘ By the second race I believed I could win a GP .
5 I imagined I would have a lot of spare time , but my diary is always full .
6 ‘ I just assumed I could rent a plane and fly over .
7 Most soldiers would have been only too happy to go over the top , as they no longer believed they would survive a war some were saying would last for ever .
8 Captain America and Billy the Kid had blown it when they believed they could make a lot of money and retire , but life was not simply about economics ; they had , according to Fonda , found their freedom but their liberty was like the statue in New York harbour , surrounded by polluted waters .
9 It turned out he was escaping a planned course of ECT because no one on his ward believed he might have a drink problem .
10 If Mr Gorbachev believed he could acquire a breathing space through repression , during which the economy could be transformed by unpopular but necessary reforms , he might be willing to pay the price , but this would reverse his strategy of the past three years .
11 What should have been a simple review looked like it was about to turn into techno-confusion when the owner 's manual stated I could find a hook-up diagram on page 42 , and it was n't there .
12 ‘ When the lease on the Old Bells came free I grabbed it , thinking whatever happened we 'd have a job and home . ’
13 April and Pet declared they 'd have a cup .
14 And if they thought that she was going to invite Colin and Yvonne in for a drink when they arrived they would get a shock .
15 On the other hand , the French boasted they could make a neutron bomb , the US was still anguished over the spy story of Cheltenham as Prime got 35 years ' rumours of Brezhnev 's death proved true .
16 GWR was approached by DLT 's agent 2 weeks ago , and market research showed he 'd prove a hit with the listeners .
17 The new constable has sent each of ye a mug o' wine — reckoned it 'd make a change from ale .
18 She was waved on by a sharp-eyed young officer , who boasted he could smell a smuggler from fifty yards away .
19 Towards the end I argued we should remove a section to recover what dating evidence was available below it .
20 As a matter of fact , I was talking to him briefly this afternoon and we agreed we 'd have a chat some time .
21 One minute you discovered you could do a falsetto , the next that there was a reason why a woman had given you a sweet .
22 The sweater is very simple and yet with a little time spent you can produce a complex looking garment .
23 Also enclosed you will find a programme and booking form for this year 's FECMA Conference .
24 I believe he sensed he could unleash a drive in me that could propel him to recognition .
25 This time I decided I would try a child .
26 so I decided I 'd have a go in a factory , aha , and I come in it was over in the other place , the noise was unbelievable , really unbelievable .
27 She decided she would let a lawyer handle absolutely everything .
28 She vowed that if she survived she would build a monastery as thanks for her life being spared .
29 After skiing the last section of the Vallee Blanche Nigel decided we could avoid a walk into Chamonix by skiing down a snow chute filled with avalanche debris .
30 No we had a reasonably good dinner and , and we did n't want no tea when we come home , this could have been some of it cos all I had then when we did about seven o'clock when we decided we 'd have a bowl of soup , erm , we stuffed ourselves , we had toast and breakfast erm , we had one or two sweets in the hospital , er while we were waiting and then er , we went to Asda and then we got er
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