Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [subord] [pron] [vb past] it " in BNC.

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1 He saw the radio propped on the little stool and asked me if I played it while I worked .
2 ‘ He asked me if I wanted it .
3 ‘ One more thing ! ’ his voice stopped her before she made it through to the other side .
4 His voice stopped her before she reached it , however , and a smile crazily beamed its way up from her toes when , ‘ Want to walk with me ? ’ he drawled .
5 I entered it because I thought it would increase my confidence ; once you 've walked down a catwalk in a swimsuit , you can face most things .
6 I mean , we found it after I took it back .
7 Nobody , he once remarked , believed him when he said it was an attempt to create a world in which a language agreeable to his own private aesthetic might be made to seem real , and even his childhood seems to have been enlivened by inventing as well as learning remote languages .
8 When Camille had choked on an Aztec cuff-link , a sizeable piece of jewellery such as had then been fashionable , Constance 's mum had held her upside down by the ankles and banged her until she disgorged it , while Scarlet had knelt in the unutterable anguish of one about to be bereaved , determining to destroy herself without hesitation should Camille not survive the experience .
9 As she laid the wet dress on the stone coping of the basin and rubbed soap into the fabric at the waist , she unfolded every motion of the tryst Tommaso had kept , and exultation filled her so she felt it might fly out of her mouth in a huge whoop .
10 Of course I believed her when she said it would , but I wish you could have seen those first two lepidopteral visitors .
11 said , if I ca n't come for that typewriter then I 've sold it , he said I , I told her if she wanted it she 'd got to come and collect it and he said and nobody asked for it , I said well I know
12 I nearly dropped it when I felt it being placed in my hand .
13 ‘ Well , so old Wilson used to tell us that lots of men opposed it because they felt it would lead to women in trousers sitting in pubs drinking pints of bitter .
14 Jews despised and hated Gentiles : despised them because they did not belong to the elect ; and hated them because they lorded it over God 's chosen people .
15 Some novelist went up to a critic last night and thanked him for a review he wrote on a novel of his in about the year 1900 and congratulated him because he got it right .
16 Madness walked it like they talked it .
17 He exploited it where he found it ; he fed off it like a predator .
18 She heard it before she saw it , murmuring louder and louder with the squeals of gulls cutting shrilly across the regular soft booming of the waves .
19 ( 104 ) … he did n't protest any more to say he loved her because he knew it to be untrue .
20 When I started to touch her in a sexual way I asked her if she liked it .
21 The Master of Magdalene asked him whether he found it uncomfortable to wear the received garments of a bishop .
22 Ken particularly liked the story Orton told him about a man he had picked up in a lavatory and asked him if he did it often .
23 Her heart went out to him , and she showed him her anemone arrangement and asked him if he liked it .
24 I wrote it all down I asked him as I wrote it down .
25 you ought to of asked him when he sold it to ai n't ya ?
26 She saw it as he saw it , a crazy thing which made no sense .
27 He just knew it when he heard it .
28 This left the chief judge with the kind of decision he did n't want , but he read it as he saw it and awarded Gold to Devitt .
29 When it came to new furnishings , people usually they found it difficult to say why apart from ‘ I got it because I liked it ’ , or ‘ I got it because it was cheap ’ .
30 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
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