Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [coord] [pron] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She hid them in our quarters , thinking they might be of use to the party , but Devraux found them and she was taken to prison .
2 ‘ She found me and I 'm having trouble getting rid of her . ’
3 Cos one day we found him and he was choking to death practically and erm er Tam , Linda 's husband turned him upside down and smacked his back , he 'd eaten a one pound coin .
4 Oh that 's very nice of you but I did n't know whether you were or not and she phoned , no I phoned her and she 's going and she said she 'd come for me so
5 then he or she can only be forced to hand back the item if the price it cost him or her is paid in compensation [ Art .
6 She hardly noticed me but I was fascinated by her .
7 As she has a deeply freckled skin , they believed her and she was sent to do hard labour in the paddy fields .
8 I never fed them or they were to look after themselves .
9 Er a lot of people give the impression that we should all be more interactive , that we should go abroad and speak languages to many of these people , but the people you come into contact with when you go on holiday in Spain , the only Spanish people are likely to be the waiter who served you and he 's serving you as part of his job .
10 Continuing his co-operating with our department , the owner contacted us and it was arranged for one of our Investigation officers to accompany him to Belgium in the guise of a mechanic .
11 I knew Marcus needed me and it was breaking my heart .
12 Such an act may well have provoked strong reaction in both ecclesiastical and lay circles , and Osred , exiled son of Alhred , was tempted back the following year from exile on the Isle of Man by the oaths of certain Northumbrian nobles ; but his supporters then deserted him and he was captured by King Aethelred and killed at Aynburg on 14 September 792 .
13 There was a chase and we managed to corner the prisoner , then I grabbed her and she was returned to custody . ’
14 Fernando loved her and she loved him and they were meant to be together .
15 I fled up to the tree-house for my knitting but a branch gave way as I grabbed it and I was pitched into the river .
16 Yeah must be want what they swallowed it and they 're swimming round
17 One of them chewed it off and swallowed it and I 'm covered in gashes where they bit into me . ’
18 There are four possibilities as to who was responsible for Kirov 's death : Nikolaev alone planned and executed the murder ; Nikolaev executed it but it was encouraged by the local NKVD ; Stalin planned the murder or a ‘ near miss ’ which would be followed by a purge ; a foreign government planned it .
19 I admired him , I respected him and I was flattered that I was his friend .
20 Her mother disowned her and she was sent , as was the custom then , to live out her pregnancy in a girls ' hostel near Cambridge , doing housework for her keep .
21 And so as I grew up er they knew me and I knew them and I was to need one or two later on , for various reasons , but er you could n't see it at the time .
22 I say talk of the devil , I was just say Mrs thought you and her were gon na get together .
23 I thought she but I 'm trying to think what she phoned me up for .
24 I 'm not sure that I really knew her and I 'm left wishing I 'd tried harder .
25 He turned suddenly and saw her and she was held motionless by his gaze , caught without any hope of escape , mesmerised by the power and intensity of his whole being .
26 We inhabit the universe where Carter made it and there 's another one where we made it and they 're getting pissed off about us . ’
27 He discussed it with me when he made it and he 's talked about it since . ’
28 George bought them and you 're meant to save them , and savour them tomorrow .
29 But it was n't our girls that did it and I am going to prove it . ’
30 His grey eyes met hers and she was forced to smile at the gleam of amusement she saw there .
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