Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [coord] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 My son , Robyn visited me and peered with a concerned , academic interest , and we came closer together than ever before .
2 ‘ She told me that you phoned her and asked for a meeting in town . ’
3 Margaret inspected it and asked for a number of prints to be made .
4 Mothers with small children particularly hated them and longed for a house with a garden ( Gittus , 1976 ) .
5 I 'd just lie on my back like Marie showed me and float like a fag packet .
6 When Lesley finally collapsed her attacker hijacked a taxi then dumped it and fled to a pub .
7 Bernard excised it and put in a piece of nylon . ’
8 And then she reproached him and turned into a dragon , and flew away round the battlements making a terrible noise and battering the stones .
9 She saw him and turned with a finger to her lips .
10 Ken suddenly left him and went into a doorway of Hamleys , the big toy shop .
11 I had already gathered from the groom that Sir John had not left so , when I came to a small copse of trees , I took my horse deep inside , hobbled it and sat on a boulder .
12 Yet the record of Charles 's actions demonstrates the very opposite : his determined pursuit of his own right to a kingdom in Francia set him and Lothar on a collision course .
13 Lydia skirted it and took to a mountain path which meandered nonchalantly between rowan and hazel trees before stopping to present the traveller with a view of the valley 's close .
14 The Finn touched the ball inside to Jess who controlled it and turned in a blur of movement which took him clear of his cover and a sweetly struck shot hummed past Andy Rhodes .
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