Example sentences of "[vb past] [pers pn] [conj] he [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 For his part he noticed , not the dress but the slender-waisted , full-breasted figure it adorned ; the pretty face and the abundant dark hair which the bonnet framed ; the large amber eyes which met his as he helped her in .
2 ‘ Look — er — this is all … well , it 's all quite ridiculous , ’ she told him as he issued her into the apartment .
3 Finally , she told him if he sent her home she 'd commit suicide .
4 He told her that he respected her .
5 Then he told her that he loved her .
6 He had held her in his arms and told her that he loved her , and she had never doubted him .
7 He had looked into her eyes too often , told her that he loved her too many times for her ever to believe him again .
8 She had a row with a young man named Nick Owens when they were all at the caelidhe one evening and he told her that he wanted her to be his girl and not go out with anyone else .
9 ‘ With your colouring , you should wear that shade of green more often , ’ he told her as he ushered her into the dove-grey Daimler .
10 ‘ I 'll see you at the office on Monday morning , ’ Damian told her as he walked her home in the hot , humid night to her own villa next door and cicadas buzzed metallically as they walked past the fountain .
11 Donna joined him and he found her the shortest ones , saying , ‘ You have the short ones .
12 She hated it when he made her feel stupid .
13 She arched against him , unable to control the flames of desire leaping within her , then a gasp escaped her as he swept her into his arms and carried her to the double bed in her aunt 's room .
14 Because I 'd told her it was funny this doctor never even touched her before he sent her in there .
15 It was only after she called him that he telephoned her .
16 But oh , how much she loved him when he held her to his heart , and was gentle , like now .
17 ‘ Clearly , she never loved him as he did her .
18 Although Constance was proud to be seen with Nicky and loved it when he took her out , she was determined not to be taken for granted .
19 Before she could make another move , his mouth covered hers and he gathered her so tightly to him that making any move was impossible .
20 She tutted aloud as she remembered she had nearly quailed altogether and quit him when he caressed her so directly and bit her ; but he was masterful , and had knowledge , and her love burst into ever greater intensity at the thought of that expertise .
21 She might lose him but for now he was as enslaved as she was and Maggie caressed him as he caressed her until his kisses grew more demanding and he turned her beneath him again .
22 It was also the terrible pleasure it gave her when he touched her .
23 She wanted him as he wanted her .
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