Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] his [noun sg] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The man took a couple of steps back as they headed for him ; but then they stopped , as if they 'd sensed his fury and found it to be a wall that they hesitated to scale .
2 At eighteen , in love with love , she 'd accepted his ring and walked on air until common sense had brought her down to earth and made her realise that marriage to him would be a total disaster .
3 He 'd washed his hair and piled all his plastic carrier bags into a corner instead of strewing them through the house like the clues of a treasure-hunt .
4 Joe had climbed up over the side of the nearest and lowered himself in , rubbish sliding unsteadily beneath him , and then he 'd found his balance and hunkered down and started to sift .
5 Then at last , when I was beginning to think he 'd left his desk or gone out , the tapping would begin again .
6 They said he 'd lost his head and started shooting —
7 And when he 'd finished and been weighed again and she 'd changed his diaper and put it in the special container to go away for the chemical analysis — And a nasty old job that must be to do !
8 The Grandtully piper , sensing the climax of the gathering , had filled his bag and set .
9 In October the king arrived , pursued by Rupert , whom he had dismissed his service and forbidden his presence .
10 Noah Plunkett had forgiven his son and offered the marriage his blessing now that Anna was pregnant .
11 He evidently studied hard and by Easter 1948 had completed his course and joined MI6 .
12 By 1978 Pons had completed his thesis and received his PhD from Southampton .
13 Since then , however , the Moroccan had completed his pilgrimage and visited Palestine , East Africa , Khorasan and Byzantium .
14 She had heard his boot and roaring oaths .
15 The one who wore on his blue shoulder flash the insignia of major 's rank had shaken his hand and grinned a supercilious smile .
16 Robert himself , afflicted by leprosy , spent the last two years of his life in Cardross castle beside the Clyde , dying before he could learn that the Pope had lifted his excommunication and acknowledged him and his successors as rulers of Scotland .
17 She had lifted his hand and kissed it .
18 He tells us how he cried and cried when he found out the Almighty Mozzer had slung his hook and f—ed off home for a veggieburger .
19 He had discarded his uniform and wore his best suit , a light pearly grey , with a brightly-coloured necktie , and a rose in his buttonhole .
20 Although Blake may have given the impression to the prison authorities that he had accepted his sentence and settled down to serve it ( it would surely have been odd had he done otherwise ) , in reality neither he nor the KGB had any intention of him remaining in prison a day longer than necessary .
21 And then he had turned his head and seen that Grainne was watching him , and a sudden , surprised joy unfolded within his heart , for there was such desire in her eyes that lights exploded inside his head , and he wanted to stand still and savour the moment .
22 They had seen his passion and anger at Beechwood .
23 And once Hatchard , the CID man who 'd come round to Dwyer Street on the night in question , had done his bit and told the Coroner twice that he did n't suspect foul play , then most people seemed satisfied and I could get back to enjoying my hangover .
24 He had scratched his head and retraced his steps , then followed his nose to the chaotic kitchens of the Castle Doors .
25 She had quite literally thrown herself at him , she had bitten him in the neck so hard that he had bled , she had scratched his face and torn his clothes .
26 Overcome by greed , she murdered him while he slept , only to discover he was her own son , who had made his fortune and wanted to surprise her .
27 And when the messenger had made his reverence and limped out from the presence , Henry turned his head a little , and looked at his closest confidants , but obliquely , out of the corner of a sunken eye , and dismissed them , too .
28 I was just damaged goods , another misfit , another over-educated , under-motivated loser who had missed his chance and drifted into the Sargasso Sea of EFL work .
29 When Wycliffe returned to the Incident Room the printer , like all the other business people in the town , had closed his shop and gone home , but two reporters were keeping vigil .
30 Before she could jerk herself out of her shocked paralysis , he had angled his head and driven his ruthless , demanding lips down to collide with hers in an explosion of sensation .
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