Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] for a [num ord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such a page , offered to the Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York , for £25,000 , finally led to James 's arrest , as the sheet was recognised by Dr Estelle Whelan of the Centre for Iranian Studies at Columbia University , to whom the Met had turned for a second opinion .
2 Fignon said in a statement that he had asked for a second test at a different laboratory but his request had been turned down .
3 Nursing staff at the famous Beeson Ward had hoped for a last minute reprieve , but the Health Authority stuck by its decision to close down the only ward in the country where nurses , not doctors , have the responsibility for admitting and discharging patients .
4 It was in her honour that he , too , had shaved for a second time and puffed Carole 's deodorant over his private parts .
5 By the time that Orchard made his last will in January 1504 he had married for a second time .
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