Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] down to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They sat around one end of the work table , which now seemed vast and empty , and Alina Peterson explained how she 'd walked down to the village to look around and , where it seemed appropriate , to introduce herself .
2 On Nathan 's last morning they 'd driven down to the supermarket together .
3 ‘ We 'd gone down to the Net , the day it happened .
4 She 'd gone down to the seashore with the dogs and there he 'd been , following her .
5 and he was let out and first , within twenty four hours he 'd gone down to the South Coast and killed his mother and his girl friend
6 But Sekularac said he had been pushed by the usher and pushed back after his glasses got knocked down to the ground .
7 The fat man over to his right had leaned down to the floor .
8 He had come down to the gallery to join the houseparty , he thought simply to look at a new sculpture , before they all returned to the house for luncheon .
9 In the twilight of the Great Drought he had come down to the river and filled his wheelbarrow with water until only a Samson could have moved it .
10 The Jew had left Judaea , where the capital has a name difficult to pronounce ( they call it Ierusalem ) and had come down to the sea .
11 Surrounding us on the beach were a large number of French civilians who had come down to the beach to look at the British Tommies .
12 He had come down to the island to make sure all was well while his grandfather was in hospital .
13 On the few occasions that Tamar had come down to the farm , or visited her mother and Elizabeth in the market , she had chosen Goody to drive her .
14 And it had come down to the Valve to see what the Famlio ship was doing there .
15 She had forgotten why she had come down to the garden in the first place .
16 He had come down to the Club that night with a real purpose , a purpose only half of which had been carried out at the meeting .
17 But she soon realised that they had come down to the manor only as a duty ( perish the word ! ) and courtesy to her , and regarded the house as a white elephant , being too far away and too cold for weekend breaks .
18 From the dry-out farm , Tunney had moved down to the border , mooched around in cantinas for a while , then left the country two steps ahead of the sheriff of some Rio Grande jerkwater .
19 Instead , they drove south , down the western side of the estuary , to a pull-in at the end of a lane , whence Mossop and Heather had walked down to the river 's edge and taken the third photograph .
20 He watched her go alone , the trappings she had brought down to the beach left abandoned .
21 On the few occasions that he had gone down to The priory with the lad , his parents had treated him as one of the family .
22 After her abortive attempt to break into journalism , she had gone down to the beach , flung off her dress , and plunged into the water at Backyards .
23 Theda had gone down to the housekeeper , tight-lipped and curt , to ask that these things be remedied forthwith .
24 In the midst of these , in 1926 , there arrived in India the man who was to take up the challenge Gandhi had thrown down to the Englishman 's belief in his god-given aptitude for rule — the sixteenth viceroy , Lord Irwin .
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