Example sentences of "[vb past] [vb pp] [adv prt] [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 Comrades led 2–1 until the 79th minute , their two goals coming in the first half from David Eddis against one from a Dean Gordon own goal but United hit back late in the game .
2 Hereford United next and what they would do for a cup run … come to think of it what they would do for a win … on Saturday United lost out again in the third division … two-one at Cardiff City
3 He had been born in Tucupita and had grown up there in the region of Venezuela where the great Paraqua river met the Orinoco and flowed into the Delta of the Orinoco where the sea moved on to Trinidad .
4 They trembled not from fear , but from anger and resentment which had built up rapidly in the 24 hours since he had heard the ridiculous order from Washington .
5 Something else had moved out there in the trees , possibly a bird .
6 The only relatively new thing about it was its romantic and truthful name , which someone in the family had thought up early in the nineteenth century as an improvement on ‘ The Leybourne Arms ’ ; for the Leybourne family had been extinct since the fourteenth century , while salmon regularly did return several miles up-river from this house , and were regularly taken for a mile on either side .
7 Between his strength and her anger , she and Matthew had pulled up well in the lead of other canoes .
8 She went down the garden with a buoyant step between the neatly trimmed shrubs her uncle had so lovingly planted , past the magnolia , black and wet and knobbly , and through the rose garden the Talbots had laid out together in the manner of an Elizabethan one , formally-shaped beds edged with fat hedges of box .
9 A radical all his life and a follower of Charles James Fox , he had spoken out strongly in the House of Commons against the declaration of war on Napoleon after his escape from Elba .
10 The incendiary charges Manolo 's experts had set up earlier in the day went up on schedule .
11 Sukarno made a radio broadcast of sublime meaninglessness : Such rhetoric had gone down well in the past , but now made little impact .
12 Night after night they had lain out there in the soft , scented warmth , looking at the stars , or lighting candles stuck in Rufus 's wine bottles , eating and drinking , talking , hoping and happy .
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