Example sentences of "[vb past] [coord] she [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Richard phoned and she told him about it , omitting the part about her offer of a donation .
2 At last the little flame flared and she set it to the paper , watching the end blacken , smoulder and curl as it burned .
3 She opened it frantically , half wrenching the door off its hinges , and looked down , screaming as the expected room disappeared and she saw nothing except a terrifying precipice and below , lying crashed and sprawled on the rocks , Mark .
4 When she began to unbutton his shirt he stood , paralysed , staring at the slack flesh round her stomach , he shivered and she took it for excitement ; he had dreamed about this , waiting for the moment when he would instinctively know what to do , would take control , but instead she was rubbing against him with a cool professionalism that unnerved him .
5 The Fernies got rid of her when I left and she walked me to the front gate .
6 And erm she was like with him and she said and she said something like , Oh I 'm going .
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