Example sentences of "[vb past] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In December 1895 , they met the Company at Euston with a list of objections and suggestions in lieu of the Company 's offer .
2 We last met the Secretary of State in May 1991 .
3 The mega-rich sheik , who met the Queen at Claridges in July 1989 , has spared no expense on the island , 11 miles long and five miles wide .
4 The knights met the Council at Lincoln in July 1316 , and the king 's officers drew up for them a list of ‘ divers errors ’ contained in the perambulations of 1300 .
5 In October of that year , Hickson and Jacques joined forces and met the Director of Education over the possibility of a combined approach to the development of adult education which would reflect the recommendations of Circular 1444 .
6 The mother met the father of C. in 1988 and bore C. in 1989 .
7 As we have seen , Beveridge claimed that ‘ the socialisation of demand ’ approach to full employment by-passed the controversy about socialism versus capitalism .
8 More convincing is the argument that Kahn lacked the genius for self-promotion of other great architects like Frank Lloyd Wright and Philip Johnson .
9 It lacked the bypass of Hebon under Pertunda , and Triglaf certainly had the edge on it when it came to a southerly location .
10 She must have taken the letter straight to a photocopy shop after collecting it from the skip and then posted the copy to Zen before returning to the house , calculating that if the copy came to light each of the Milettis would equally be under suspicion .
11 It empowered the Secretary of State for Scotland to issue regulations governing the conduct and the responsibilities of local education authorities .
12 The Act of 1971 , empowered the Secretary of State to ‘ give guidance ’ to the Authority with respect to their statutory functions .
13 The fleet sent against de Crevecoeur , together with arrangements to send an expeditionary force to France , cost around £3,670 — money which was probably wasted since the duke disbanded the fleet as part of his measures against the Woodvilles .
14 The fleet sent against de Crevecoeur , together with arrangements to send an expeditionary force to France , cost around £3,670 — money which was probably wasted since the duke disbanded the fleet as part of his measures against the Woodvilles .
15 Managed press leaks about a pending increase in telephone charges doubled the price of shares in NTT , the Tokyo market 's leading company .
16 Belcher was by reputation difficult to please , and , of the surveyors who piloted the fleet to Canton during the Opium war of 1840–1 , Richards alone received his praise .
17 Thus the tension between town and country , which divided the liberalism of towns like Bilbao and San Sebastian from the fierce catholic conservatism of Carlism in the countryside , was less evident in Alava and Navarre .
18 ( Also , as we shall see in chapter eight , Kant divided the world of metaphysics from the world of the senses and created havoc for theology and philosophy generally . )
19 He divided the number of crimes by the number of minutes in an hour to show how many crimes were committed in a certain time .
20 Keynes divided the demand for money into three types : ( a ) the transactions demand , which is the demand by firms and households for holdings of money to finance day-to-day transactions ; ( b ) precautionary demand , which arises out of uncertainty and the desire not to be caught short of ready cash ; and ( c ) the speculative demand , which is the demand for money as a financial asset and therefore part of a wealth portfolio .
21 Thus , although the British hoped that not all of Indo-China would fall to the communists , the scenario which haunted the government in London throughout the spring and summer of 1954 was of some reckless American action which might bring disaster throughout Eurasia .
22 He flung the ball of paper across the tiny room , picked up a tin mug with his shaving stick and soap inside it , and followed Chrissie through onto the landing .
23 The Shah appropriated the idea of reform to himself an launched what he called his " White Revolution " — white because it was meant to be bloodless .
24 He passed the roll of notes beneath the table .
25 He knew most of the men who used the line and passed the time of day with them .
26 He passed the time of day with Two Coats the tramp .
27 After a moment or two she passed the receiver to Zen with an exclamation of disgust .
28 Chairman Peter Freitag said the association passed the resolution in support of Mr Ashdown at a general meeting .
29 In 1859 he passed the examination for entry into the Irish constabulary as an officer cadet and went to Dublin to train at the force 's depot in Phoenix Park .
30 The agreement , however , passed the House of Commons by 473 votes to 47 and received a similar endorsement in the Irish Dáil .
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